ch. 2: Odd encounters with clowns

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Sorry about being deceased for a while, end if a school semester and it sucks lol

The cold breeze hit against the young adults bare faces, standing outside a building designed with colourful clowns, characters made of food and so much more. Whatever appeals to children was plastered on the walls of the area, it was almost sickening just to be within five miles of this place. The pure iPad kid and bratty kid energy it radiated was inhumane.

Regardless, the first to dare step into what one would assume was an adults torture chamber, was the bluenette. Braylyn didn't understand how distraught the others were at the appearance, she found it charming.

Her bedrooms floors were jigsaw puzzles, so the rest of the group her opinion was invalid.

The three begrudgingly followed her. Leilani and Wyatt immediately sprinted into the arcade. It was decently set up, some newest games and even a few classics where some of the parents sported while the kids whined about how embarrassing it was.

Emmett stranded Braylyn to find where the food was being served, no surprise. He'd annoy them to death in a half an hour before falling asleep in a booth. They would draw on him later.

Braylyn wasn't as interesting in the other things the pizzaera offered. Although, the toys they sold were admittedly adorable.

Soon enough she found herself in a rather empty room, only a few children occupying the room. They were quickly rushing in as fast as they were rushing out. On top of a relatively small lit stage was one of the establishments main attraction, the animtronics.

This one was a clown girl, although she was noticeably tweeked to appear more feminine and appealing to the eye than an actual clown. Braylyn found the robot quite pleasing to look at.

Until the robot looked up at her, it's eyes looked... alive. Almost immediately a feeling of discomfort spread through the girls body. Who wouldn't?

The clown did a small movement that seemed like a chuckle and returned her attention to singing a song a child requested her to sing.

There was an indescribable ... force pulling Braylyn in to the clown. She felt as if the clown was more than a shell of plastic being controlled by some metal and wires. Maybe it's because of her rather large interest in the supernatural.

She took a seat and watched the clown. Braylyn wasn't an expert in robotics, but to her the clown seemed to... human like to be a real robotic ai. At first, it was unsettling but slowly the feeling mellowed into a comforting feeling.

If these were the robots that were going to take over the world, Braylyn would be okay with that.

"Hey, B!"

Her train of thought was derailed when she heard Leilani yelling out to her from the door entrance. "Em fell asleep in one of the booths with a clown plush and covered in pizza sauce, we're gunna write on him. Care to join?"

The bluenette nodded softly, a small smile appearing on her face. Before she left, she did a small wave to the robot on the stage. It returned the small gesture by flicking her hand upwards and waving it.

Before Braylyn could process what the clown had done, she was being dragged out by Leilani to graffiti their dear friends face.

it's short but i'm tired. next chap will be longer
571 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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