12 || Walk In A Park

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I walked out of the bathroom - not even caring if my body is fucking dripping wet. I walk towards my bed where my towel was placed flatly into it and I hurriedly took it without any hesitation.

"Jesse! Hurry up!" Tyler yelled. "God damn!"

"I'm coming!" I annoyingly yelled back.

I run into my closet, grabbing a white plain simple skater dress and took my black lingeries that Tyler gave me. I don't want to wear this but I think trying it is not a bad thing, right?

I groaned to myself as the strap of the bra I'm about to wear - broke. I forcefully pull the broken strap from the bra and immediately threw it into the corner of my bed. I clipped the black lace bra at my back and then pulled my panties up. I don't have that amazing body that everyone always wishes to have. I am so small but I have that enough curves to show. Tyler thinks my body is goals. I mean, every bestfriend would probably say that, right? I think he only said that, for me not to be dissapointment or something. I have the worst body!

I pulled the white dress over my head and immediately grabbed my favorite black strap sandals under my bed. I unpoisely wore it while pulling my brown still wet hair into a simple high ponytail. Okay, this would do it. I guess?

"Jesse! Are you still not done yet?!" Tyler shouted from behind the door of my room.

"Just a minute!" I muttered, finishing my not-so-clean ponytail. I shuffled inside my room as I finally found my black purse that was placed down at my silver nightstand. I hurriedly took it and started to walk my way out of my room. I have the most messiest room ever. I mean, I love cleaning my room but I don't have that enough time for now. I've been through alot this days.

I sighed as I grabbed the door knob in my hands.

Jesse. Stop thinking about him. Just enjoy this day with your brother. Everything is going to be fine.

I remind myself. I slowly opened the door revealing a mad-red-pissoff Tyler. I chuckled slowly at him while awkwardly scratching the back of my neck - trying to find his patience a little bit of funny.


"Hi to you too - your brother is waiting down there. What are you even doing, huh?!" He whispered yelled at me as he stood there infront of me - arms crossed at his chest.

"I was just. . ." I trailed off. Should I tell him? "I was just. . . Um, Interrupted by my thoughts. I'm just thinking, that's all." I shrugged.

"About this past few days?" He guessed for me. Her face expression turns more softer as I nodded. He opens his arms wide as I immediately run and wrapped my arms into his chest. I quickly melted at his warm hug as he rub circles at my lower back.

"He went in to your room, am I right?" He whispered in my ears. I just nodded and a soft whimper came out right after. He sighed, hugging me more tighter. "I think we both shall talk about this after your day with Louis. I wanted to know everything."

I'm falling for Harry, Tyler. I am.

Tyler pulled off from the hug as he held both of my sides with his hands.

"Okay." I nodded with a weak smile.

"Shall we?" He smiled.

"Yes." I nodded. "We shall."


"Oh my god, Louis!" Tracy gasped, while pointing at a man selling red balloons. I rolled my eyes at her as I make my self busy - licking my chocolate ice cream.

We are now walking at a park when me and my family used to spend time together. This place has plenty of memories for me and my brother. This is the place where I first learned how to ride a bicycle, first try to drive Louis' car, and the last place I saw my mom smile.

That very special day happened at my birthday. I will never forget how God let me witness how happy my mother was at that very moment and I will always remember that after that day, my mother died due of her cancer. It was just a matter of seconds - and after that - everything in my life changed. It was the most hurtful thing that I ever felt in my entire life.

"So. . ." Louis started as he lead us - me and Tracy into a bench. I sat at the other side, not wanting to sit very close with her girlfriend. "What are you doing lately?"

"Uh . . ." I scratch my forehead, thinking. "Nothing to be excited about." I lied. "The usual thing. Me reading the book, sleep, go to work, and then walk back to my house again. But the work thing will be stopped because my boss let me to take a rest."

"Oh yes yes." Louis chuckled, "I forgot about that."

"Do you have a boyfriend?!" Tracy's voice boomed to my ears. I let out a sigh, already being tired at her annoyingly high pitched voice. "Oh my god! You must have one! You're the cutest thing I have ever seen! That's impossible if you don't have one! I know plenty of boys out there. I could -"

"Tracy. . ." Louis warned her. I looked up at my brother to see him looking so tired as well. "She's only seventeen."

I don't get it why he's so inlove with Tracy. I mean, yes - Tracy does look very beautiful but she's only using my brother for his money. It's obvious. I have only met her for about four-five hours and I already hate her. I guess Tyler is right. She's a brat.

We have a very wealthy family but we are not that kind of people who has a mansion, billion worth sport cars, and a large garden outside our house - we are just a normal family. We don't need all those expensive things. Although, mom said that my father was the opposite. He wants everything new and in order. Let's just say that, if my father is still alive - maybe I already have four sports cars on my own. But mom hates that. She hates money. As long as me and Louis are okay and happy - she's already contented.

"I have a phone call guys." Louis announced as he stood up from his seat. He looked down at his phone, and cursed to himself. "Shit."


My phone suddenly buzzed and I immediately pulled it off my shorts.

"I have a phone call guys." I announced, standing up. I furrowed my eyebrows at the caller ID and I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw who it was. "Shit."

Des Styles.


Dan Dan Dan Dan! Hahaha. Lol I know that I haven't updated for ages. I'm sorry guys. I'm so busy.

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