0: Introduction

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The main love interest of reader. This guy may be a classified himbo but still managed to make you swoon over him. He comes to realize his feelings for reader when he gets into a certain situation yet doesn't know how to sweep 'em off her feet. Jokes on the guy, you've been whipped for him since before. 

!! Plot:
(SHE/HER) After fawning over your hot co-worker, that turns out to be a mafia boss, he finally asks you out! The intimidating man escorts you out of your house, but once you two were finally truly alone... You didn't really expect this twist, is he really like this?! Would you still feel the same after this twist? What will you do? We'll see!

Notes from Mau! 
might have slow updates, brain go blegh, also this might be cringe for you but hey we're all cringe deep down arent we. ALSO ALSO!! i do book cover comms, i can send in some example covers, mayu#4549 on discord!

ルキシエム:  IS THIS GUY REALLY MY BF?!Where stories live. Discover now