2: Subtle Heartbreak

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Everyone walks in the sunset's light, all happily talking and chatting. "Remember that time when you got absolutely wasted? The videos I took were amazing." Millie laughed out as you tried to retaliate. "Don't talk about that anymore, remember, Uki has blackmail worthy footage of you that night too." You teasingly said back as Millie tried shushing you. "Enna's a whole different person drunk honestly, I bet you she'd probably say something so messed up and just chuckle right after it." Selen says as Enna just scrolls through her phone. "I mean, true." Enna shrugs.

Everyone enters the place, the restaurant instantly feels crowded. You sit in between Vox and Millie and Vox is beside Luca. This gave the red-eyed man an idea. "Hey Luca, let's switch places. I'd like to have a chat with Ike." Vox smiles cheekily but innocently as you panic inside. Millie smirks and is proud of what Vox is doing. Everyone in your workplace knows your big crush on Luca. It's just that Luca himself is too dense to sense your interest in him.

Aia hands everyone a menu book, you hide your face to avoid eye contact with anyone, especially the man beside you. More than usual has happened today so you thought it was best to just let everything go for now and drink away, Vox was going to drive you home anyway. It was a fun night, grilling barbeque and absolutely getting wasted with your friends. Sharing embarrassing stories with no shame.

"You kno.. know Lucaaa. You're the only one who doesn't know that someone has a big fat crush on youuuu." Millie giggles and slurs. "Huh, really?" Luca's face was already red before he heard that from the alcohol he drank.

"Whoever ttthat is.. I'm zorry but I like someone elsee." He slurs,

Laying his head on the table. You felt a pang on your heart. Of course he liked someone else, whoever that someone is lucky enough to get this guy's heart. You felt happy for someone, so happy, you were starting to get tears of joy. Yet.. why did it hurt?

You got more alcohol, but just enough since Vox was still sober enough to be aware of what's happening. "Why is she, hic- crying.. did she, hic- remember something?" Reimu quietly asks, hiccuping between her words. "She's alright, she just had too much alcohol to the point she's starting to become emotional." Vox smiles and lightly pats your back. You just pouted, staring into your lap. "It's alright, I'll go get you some ice cream later." Vox whispers to you as you lightly nod.

"I think it's best for everyone to wrap it up for now. Isn't it?" Aia says, still sober since she ordered juice instead of alcohol. "Nooooo, i'm not hic- done!!" Millie whines as Enna tries to push her into the car. Aia enters the driver's seat to drive the girls home. Ike tries to pry Luca off of Shu, and Shu tries to drag Luca to the car. You cling onto Vox's arm, being a bit more sober than before as he watches the boy handle the drunk himbo. "W..wait! I neeed to talkk to someone. Give me a seckkkond." Luca slurs. Vox slowly walks away to give you 2 some privacy.

"Hey.. just wanted to ask if.."

Wait.. What?

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