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The school

Alfred Christian Academy isn't any normal academy it consists on 10 buildings the daycare, elementary, middle, and highschools take up four of them,

Then there's a building for "physically and mentally disabled" kids and a building for "violent rebels" aka bullies and students with Fs in all subjects they take part in.

The seventh and eighth buildings are dorms, and as for the last two buildings that's where the school staff are after school hours and it's also where you can get credit jobs and where you can sign up for paid chores.

Credit jobs are just extra homework that you can get extra credit from doing.

And paid chores are just chores you get paid for pretty much, everything here is pretty nice especially since you don't get expelled here.

If your parent(s) sign you up for any of the four main buildings they have to sign a contract which pretty much makes the school head masters/mistress's your legal guardians.

Even so every weekend, holiday, and break we can go see our families, we even have a type of leave similar to what people have with jobs but instead of sick leave it's emergency leave.

Emergency leave is what you get when someone in your family dies or severe family issues come up. Emergency leave lasts up to two years before you have to come back.

As for cloths, food and extras there's an all style clothing store two miles from the academy and in both the dorms there's a restaurant kind of cafeteria.

And behind both cafeterias are cafés, no one knows why the school is designed and built the way it is though some people think it's so that the students get an idea of how money works but no one really knows.

As for the head masters and head mistress's there's 10 and each has a house under each basement 5 head masters 5 head mistress's but that's all anyone knows of them...

That's all for now hopefully I'll have chapter one out by tomorrow I don't know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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