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Hello. I'm writing this on basically a throw away account but I am going to share with you all my poetry after coming out of a relationship with a sociopath. With someone who was deeply manipulative and mentally ill. If you are in a similar situation then I know it is difficult for people to understand what it is like to have to go through a relationship and a breakup with a mentally not okay person. I also know how much it messes you up as a person to be with someone emotionally unstable. It was constant highs and lows; mostly lows but the highs felt so good that it just makes you think it's worth staying. It is not, trust me; I've been there. I was made to feel small, weak, codependent, not enough and like everything was my fault. I had none of my needs met. I was deceived. I was hurt. If you relate then I am genuinely so sorry. Please leave if you haven't already; i promise you will not regret it. Realistically, you know you can't live your life being drained and questioned by someone. You know your true lifelong partner would not make you feel like a terrible person. You know your lifelong partner would keep their promises, too. You know you deserve better deep down.

I love you.
Be safe

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