Chapter 1

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Allison's POV

"Oh my fucking god Theo, right there- oh fuck-" I moaned as Theo was going in and out of me and touching just the right spot with every.single.thrust.

"Oh love you're so fucking tight" He said

"Fuck- daddy faster-" I moaned not being able to speak straight

"Yeah? Kitten wants daddy to go faster doesn't she? Well your wish is my command" he says as he starts going faster and harder than before

"YESSS!! Fuck daddy I'm gonna-" I said before I was very rudely interrupted by him


"Wow! That was..... intense and weird-" I thought to myself

Hey there! Yeah you. I'm talking to you reader... I'm Allison Victoria Vitali but you can call me Alli. I'm the daughter of the one and only Robert Vitali. Now who tf is that you might ask...well my dad is one of the most powerful Gangsters you're gonna find. That's enough about him for now.... Well while I am more like my dad, my sister, Bella Victoria Vitali, on the other hand is much more like our mother, Victoria Vitali...the only sane one in the family well not anymore cause now there are 2 of her..... I don't know how they can be so calm and the girly type...always looking their finest and not giving a fuck about whatever deals are being made around them;

That's all about them, now back to me. I love guns...i know they're muggle objects but the bloodshed that's created after using it, god it's an art..... Sometimes i just wish i could hit Mattheo with that gun... Oh yeah about that, Mattheo Riddle is my nemisis... He has been a fucking bitch to me ever since first year... Yeah he looks hot and shit but he's just too full of himself....

Then comes my bestfriend Eric Benjamin Anders aka Benji, although he hates it when i call him that....i think he is the best person to ever exist... we've had a couple one night stands here and there but we both know that it was completely out of horniness.....well now he's my sister's boyfriend...i don't even know how that happened but I'm happy for them... unfortunately for me he's Mattheo's best friend as well...i need to see that bitch every fucking time we hang out....

Pansy, Draco, Lorenzo,Blaise and the rest of our friend group are the best istg... we've always been there for each other....

Oh and I almost forgot my boyfriend... Christopher Vaughn... he's not very present at the moment but he's a sweet man... He's from Hufflepuff but that's okay cause almost all of the houses are on good terms with me... except a couple of griffs.... That's all you need to know about my life for now bitches

"OKAY OKAY I'M UP!! Merlin Mattheo don't you have someone else to annoy right now" I said

"Hmmm.... lemme think....NOPPE" he said popping the 'P'

Fucking Merlin he was soooo fucking annoying but his morning voice is so hot- NO. STOP ALLI you're not even friends and this is the last thing you need to think of after that dream of yours....

"Draco can you please be a dear and throw this bitch out of my room on your way out, i need to get ready for class" I looked at Draco and saw him smirk

"Sure love, any excuse to beat this bitch up is good for me" he said which made everyone chuckle

"Okay now y'all better get out of my dorm before I imperio your asses and make you do it myself" I said as everyone started to exit my dorm

I didn't miss the way Mattheo smirked at me before getting out...what the hell was that about?

After i got ready for class and threw my hair up in a messy bun, I went towards the great hall cause i was hungry as fuck....

Just as I was about to enter the hall i heard someone moaning and my goofy ass went towards the sound...

I couldn't believe what i was was Chris with some ravenclaw bitch....

"How could you do this to me-!?" I said before everything went black...i thought I'd hit my head but i was caught by someone...I couldn't really make out who it was but I knew that cologne, I just couldn't put my finger on it....with that i passed out...


Hey love! I hope you liked this chapter... I'll be uploading another one soon!! Lemme know if you have any ideas... Don't forget to vote for the story if you liked it<3

Adios amigos


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