Chapter 3

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Alli's POV:

"Allison please I love you dear" Chris said

"No! No you don't, you were making out with her Chris, get off me!" I screamed at him as he was holding my hands and trying to pin me down

"You know what Allison I've been patient enough with you! Now you'll get what you deserve you little slut!" He said as he started to forcefully undress me


He didn't stop. I know he won't stop now. I give up. I just wanna be done with this- i wanna go numb....and i did as soon as he entered me....I feel disgusting

**End of Flashback**


Mattheo's POV:

I woke up to someone banging my door.... wtf-

"Go away dumbfucks" I said cause i wasn't done sleeping

"Mattheo get your ass up your girlfriend is awake!!" I heard someone say from the other side of the door

My girlfriend...? Wtf- I don't have a goddamn girlf- oh OH OH OHHHH ALLISON

I got up and ran towards the door and opened it to see Enzo and Draco

"So? She's awake?" I asked

"No but it's fun to see you all bothered princess" Draco said

"Bitch-" I was cut off by Enzo

"Okay okay, calm your asses down...go check up on her tho" he said breaking the 'fight' between Draco and I

"Right ok imma go check up on her"  I said as i walked out of my dorm and went towards the hospital wing

**At the hospital wing**

"Good morning dear" Madam Pomfrey greeted

"Morning, uhh how is she?" I said while she took me to Allison

"She's a lot better now but again she needs to re-" She cut herself off as soon as she saw Allison "oh no dear..."

"Wha-? What's happening to her!? Is she okay!??" I said

Allison wasn't awake- she was panting...wait ik that look...she had it once before...Shit-

"She's having a panic attack! We need to wake her up" I said

"Are you sure it's a panic attack dear?"  She said

Wtf shouldn't she know this already
"YES! I'M SURE NOW JUST LEAVE PLEASE I'M HERE WITH HER" I said raising my voice a little

She left and I sat beside her....Oh no Allison....

"Hey Alli get up it's just a dream... don't worry it's gonna be okay" I kept reassuring her while i hugged her....

She got a panic attack once before... during one of the Slytherin parties when her good for nothing boyfriend raped her


I was trying to find Allison to annoy her but she was nowhere in sight so I went to check the Hufflepuff guy's dorm

I could here someone screaming as soon as I entered their common room... I'm pretty sure I know that voice... I just couldn't put my finger on it....

I followed the voice to Christopher's dorm....and then it hit me...

"ALLISON!! HEY YOU IN THERE!?" I heard a was as if someone was trying to speak but their mouth was covered...

The next thing i heard was a guy groaning and a girl screaming out a 'yes'...

I don't know why I did what I did but I chanted a spell and kicked opened the door...there she was- laying naked with blood running down her face and legs...she had bruises all over her body- I was fuming-

I went inside and punched Chrisfucker

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER  ASSHOLE!!?!!" I screamed at him and started punching him...again and dare he touch her!?

After he blacked out i turned to Allison

She saw me and started panting and crying...her breath hitched- it was as if she couldn't breathe-

"Theo- I- I'm hav- a panic- atta-" she said while trying to breathe

"It's okay baby, it's okay, it's all gonna be okay" I hugged her reassuringly

Moments later she was sound asleep right there in my arms...

**End of Flashback**

I saw her eyes flicker as she woke up

"Hey you okay?" I asked her

"Ye- yeah I guess-" she said trying to catch her breath

There was a moment of silence before she broke the tension

"Thanks dumbass-" she started "-For everything" she continued

"Yeah yeah whatever" I said

"So was it THE dream again?" I asked

"Yup...guess it'll never leave me alone" she said while trying to hold back the tears forming in her eyes

"Hey it's okay Alli..." I started "Now take rest Allison, you need look terrible" I lied

"Yeah yeah whatever" she said mocking me "Now get out so i can rest"

"Fineee" I said while walking towards the door

Right before closing it I turned around and said "Oh and Allison" she looked up at me all curious "Don't ever call me a dumbass again" I said as she rolled her eyes

"Don't roll your eyes at me Allison or I'll give you a reason to" I said while walking out the door and shuting it on my way

Hey horny bitches i hope you liked the chapter....and again vote for my story if you liked it

Adios amigos<3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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