Hibiya X Reader: Worrywart

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A/N: Okay so this is from dA. Copy, paste. So this belongs to its rightful owner.


It was unusual to have such a sudden downpour in the middle of summer. It didn't even look like it was going to rain earlier that day. You and Hibiya were out running errands for the Dan since the both of you had previously lost a bet.

"This sucks. Having to take shelter here like this." Hibiya said, he was sitting down next to you. The two of you had previously taken shelter by a shop that had an extended roof so you the rain was kept off of you and him.

"Yeah." You replied and started shivering. The summer rain was a lot colder than you had anticipated it to be. You tried to not make it obvious, but Hibiya was staring at you with a confused look.

"W-what do I have something on my face?" You asked nervously. You were hoping that there wasn't, especially in front of him.

"N-no." He said and turned away. You could have sworn that you saw a little glint of red on his cheeks.

"O-okay." Was all that you said. There was an awkward silence between the two of you which seemed to last for ages. You began to shiver again and this time, it was obvious.

"You okay? It would be unfortunate if you caught a cold. It's not like I'm worried or anything." Hibiya said nervously..

"I-I'm fine." You said as you brought your knees to your chest, trying to stop the shivering. You didn't want him to worry about you.

He raised his eyebrow and then looked back towards the street. It was only a light drizzle now.

You had your eyes closed for a while, trying to calm the shivering. Then, you felt something lean against your shoulder. You opened your eyes and then looked at Hibiya.

"What are you doing?" You asked him.

"Just take this. The rest of the Dan would kill me if you got a cold." Hibiya said as he tossed you his jacket. It was true, the Dan did adore you so much so they would literally hurt him if he let you get sick or hurt.

"T-thanks. You didn't have to do that." You say as you put the jacket on. This time, you caught him blushing a bit.

"Anyways, lets go back to the Dan, I bet they're worried about us." He said as he stood up and extended his arm towards you. You took his hand as he pulled you up.

As the two of you were walking in the light drizzle, there was a little raise in the sidewalk. Neither of you noticed, until you accidentally tripped because of it.

"Good job, clumsy." Hibiya said. You puffed out your cheeks in return. He helped you up from the wet sidewalk and started to walk again.

"The rest of the Dan is going to kill me now." Hibiya mumbled looking at your wet self. You grabbed onto his arm for balance so you wouldn't trip again. You started to laugh.

"W-what's so funny?" Hibiya asked.

"You are! You're always worrying about me, even though you're too embarrassed to show it." You laughed and smiled.

"S-shut up!"

A/N: I gotta admit it, this story was great. More coming soon because...yeah. School. Homework. Field trip. Two-days holiday. Tests. Report card. One-month holiday. So this is all? Just bye. *Runs out the door crying for no reason*

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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