You Getting Sick ~ Jacob ~ The Boyz

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When I woke up for work, I knew something was up. When I got up, I felt dizzy and I almost fell. As I walked around, I went to go eat some breakfast and I didn't feel well. I then ended up calling out for the day and I went back to bed, I knew I was sick. As I went to bed, my phone went off. "Who is it?" I said as I picked up my phone.

"Hey baby." It was my boyfriend Jacob from The Boyz.

"Hi Jacob." I said, I then sneezed and coughed a little bit.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just not feeling well." I said to him, I then heard the phone beep. "Jacob?" I said, I then heard my door open and close. I sat up and I saw him walk into my room with bags. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I asked for the day off to take care of you." He said with a smile.

"Aww, Jacob." I said, he then sat down on the bed and he went through the bags.

"I got you a new plushie, it's a little bear." He said giving it to me, I just smiled at him. "I got you some soup and some green tea because I know you don't like honey or even regular tea." He said, he then walked out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"I'm going to make you some tea. It should help you feel better." He said with his smile, I just smiled at him. I then hugged the bear and I took a selfie with it. I then posted about it and the first ones to say something were Kevin and Eric. I just smiled at their comments.

Kev: Omg, he's so sweet to you!

Eric: Jacob, your knight in shining armor.

I just smiled, I then looked over and saw him walking slowly with the cup of tea. I smiled and sat up and moved over a little for him to sit beside me, "Thank you Jacob." I said, he just smiled. He then laid down beside me and I was happy because I got to cuddle with him. I then slowly fell asleep, as I was asleep; Jacob took a picture of us laying in bed. He then posted the picture and Kevin saw it.

Kev: Omg!

Kev: You guys are adorable!

I then felt him laughing, I then opened my eyes and looked up at him; he was on his phone. "Why are you laughing?" I asked, he then panicked a little.

"Did I wake you up?" He asked.

"No, I was about to wake up anyways." I said, I then sat up and looked at his phone. I saw him looking at the comments on something, "What did you post?" I asked him.

"Nothing." He said, I then took his phone and looked at the picture.

"Jacob." I said hitting him.


"Why did you take a picture of me sleeping?"

He then smiled a little, "You were cute." He said.

"Jacob." I said hitting him again, "Delete it." I said to him.

"No." He said, I then looked at him. "I think you look adorable and so doesn't Kevin." He said, I then looked right at him with wide eyes.

"Kevin?!" I said.

"Yeah, he was the one that commented on it." He said, I then looked at the comments. I then hit him again, "Stop hitting me." He said, I then looked at him and took the pillow behind him; he just looked at me and I hit him with the pillow again.

"I didn't hit you." I said.

He then smirked at me, "Do you really want to start this?" He asked.

"Start what?" I asked.

He then took the pillow behind me and he hit me with it, "The war." He said.

"There's no war going on." I said to him, he then hit me with the pillow again. "Hey!" I said to him, I then hit him back.

"Oh, it's on." He said, we then started to hit each other with the pillows until we were tired. As we were doing this, I accidentally hit his face and he stopped. I then stopped and I leaned towards him, he then looked away from me and got up off the bed.

"Jacob, I'm sorry." I said, he then walked out and didn't come back. I then got up to follow him, but as I got up I felt dizzy again and I fell to the floor. Jacob heard and ran back into the room.

"Okay, no walking for you." He said, he then helped me up and he put me back in my bed. "Maybe we should watch a movie." He said, he then laid down with me and he found something to watch on Netflix and we just stayed in bed for the rest of the night. He didn't have to leave until tomorrow morning, so it was okay.

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