Chapter 7

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"How could you say something like that?" Gabe asked his daughter.

"I didn't know it would make her spew the Niagra falls." She muttered stuffing her face with food.

"Scarlett." He says softly. "She lost her parents at the age of five. Her parents and sister. She's been through a lot in the past eleven years. If you can't help dissipate those scars then please don't add to it." He says and leaves the room.

He goes to the room Jade's in, leaving his selfish daughter to ponder on what he had said. He hears sobs coming from the bathroom and slowly approached it but was stopped before he could open the door.

"Go away, Gabe. Le...leave me alone." She said in a full tone.

She was angry.

"Jade I just want to..." He started but was was cut off.

"I said leave!" She exclaimed suddenly.

Gabe felt a cold shiver run through his spine. The air in the room had suddenly gone cold. He knew what was about to happen. He couldn't let it happen.

Not with Scarlett in the house.

"Breathe Jade. Please breathe." He called.

No response.

"Jade!" He called again, softly and felt the air return to it's normal temperature. "I'll give you some time alone." He said leaving the room but again.

No response.

He went back down where Scarlett was seen watching a movie .

"Honey, your attention please." He said , sitting beside her.

"If it's about her then you don't have my attention." She deadpans

"She's been through a lot, Scarlett. She needed help "

"What about her parents. They can take care of her. She should go find them. "

"Her parents died when she was five. She has no one else."

Scarlett dropped her head in guilt. She didn't know.

"No orphanage wants to take her in." He continues "She needs a family. She's hurting."

"I'm sorry." She whispered so quietly that Gabe could've missed but he heard her.

"I'm not the one you offended." He said as he stood up and went to bed.

Scarlett went upstairs to her room with the intention of apologizing to Jane. She couldn't imagine life without her father in it.

She opened the door and saw Jade sitting on the bed, hugging her knees. She went over and sat by her.

"Please go away." The sixteen year old whispered. "I don't want anyone here." She said, making Scarlett tick.

"This is my room. I come and go as I please." She snapped at her.

"Sorry." Jade said taking Scarlett aback. She then got up from the bed and exited the room.

"What the hell? JA...JESS, JASMINE,!!! WAIT!" Scarlett called as she ran after Jade who was running out the front door.

"Scarlett!!" Gabe yelled running out of his room. He had seen Jade run out the front door. "Where is she going?!"

"I don't know. I told her I could go wherever I want and she dashed out the room!"

"Go get her back, Scarlett."

"What?!" She exclaimed. "Why do I have to-"

"That's an order!" He said, going back upstairs.


"LANGUAGE!" He warned.


Jade had ran away from Gabe's home. She couldn't bear it. She nearly lost it on Gabe and she knew she would loose it on his rude daughter as well. She had to get away before she did something else. She had no idea where she was headed but she kept running...far away from them.

It didn't take long for her feet to give up. She hadn't eaten and her body needed to inform her about that. She saw a fountain in the middle of wherever she was.

A park.

She sat on the bench close to the fountain as the night's cold enveloped her. She was hungry and cold. She needed to go back to Gabe's...but she couldn't.

"You're ruling over. Not even giving me a say." She whispered as tunes click in her head.
Lately she had found a way to sing about her moods. It has been helping a lot so she made a habit of it.

"Chasing others away, keeping me alone. Just moving your way." She continued, feeling tears brimming in her eyes.

"But if one request must be made, just just please let me go my way." She sang, ending with a sob.

Suddenly she felt a presence beside her. She immediately wiped her tears and turned to see the person.

You're kidding right? It was Scarlett.

"You...Uhm..have a very nice voice." The older girl spoke quite unsure of what to say. But as usual, no reply earning a sigh.

"I'm sorry." She said sincerely, making Jade turn to face her. "I was a bitch to you. I'm sorry."

Jade only bent her head. Whatever she wanted to say would come out as a whisper and she doesn't need an irritated Scarlett.

"URGH! Can you say something? I literally just apologized." She grumbled.

Good. She's back.

"Whatever. My dad wants you back. C'mon." She said and started walking back to the house without sparing Jade a second glance.

Jade knew she had to go. She couldn't survive it here on her own. She had to go back. She followed Scarlett quietly back to the house.

The walk back home was silent. The only thing you could hear was the screeching of a cat...

Wait, that's Scarlett.

Scarlett couldn't stop complaining the whole ride home. She kept whining and groaning about everything. Jade had tuned out the whole time until the cat scratched a nerve.

"Where did you learn to sing like that?"

No usual.

"Fine don't tell me." She said, huffing past her into the house.

That girl needs a lesson on patience.

They entered the house and Jade got a scolding from Gabe. They headed to bed without anymore drama. Just how Jade liked it.

The next morning, Scarlett was moving out to her new apartment. Apparently, it was closest to the university. She had already packed her things when Gabe had to drop a bomb in front of both of them.

"Jade will be staying with you." He said coldly.

"WHAT?!!" she screeched...again. "NO WAY!"

"It's not negotiable. Jade, go get your bags." He said while smiling at her.

"But...I don't want to...s...stay with her." She whispered.

"It's for the best, Jade. I won't be around for a while and I need someone to look after you." Her head dropped and he sighed. He had warmed up to the sixteen year old. "I will come to check up on you okay. Both if you." He said looking at Scarlett who had a pissed look on her face.



Okay quick spoiler of this book for you 😁.

There will be fanfiction in this book and fantasy. I really love where it's headed and I hope you do too.

Votes and comment are welcomed with open arms🖐️🖐️.

P.S the lyrics to the song used in this chapter is written by me. It not a real song...yet😉.

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