Chapter 4. Escaped

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15 years later
I stared at myself in the mirror, admiring the curls I just made. I am usually not good curling my own hair. 'You look beautiful, hon...' Jack got behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I met him in high school when I was sixteen and we have been together ever since. 'Thank you...' I mumbled, leaning into him. Jack let go of me and fixed his hair with some gel. 'I have to run, but I will see you tonight.' He pressed a kiss on my lips before he exited the bedroom. My eyes traveled towards my wrist, softly rubbing over the scar that Michael made 15 years ago. It's exactly fifteen years since he killed half his family and Judith's boyfriend, Steve. I had been horrified. Although it hadn't surprised me, I hadn't felt comfortable either. I was just glad he was behind bars, but I also couldn't forget about the fun moments we had. He wasn't all bad, just nearing the end, he had been super possessive. All that reminded me daily of Michael was this scar and the words that lingered through my head every now and then when I was with Jack.

Jack proposed to me a month ago. I was excited to marry him, but Michael was always just snoozing in the back of my head. I couldn't get it off my mind. What if he returns? Or somehow escapes? Before my mom passed away last year, she told me Michael would never be able to get free. It's simply impossible. I wish she could be there, on my wedding. I missed her horribly. Her death was unexpected. One day she was there and the next... I shook my head and walked down, following Jack towards the kitchen. 'You got the keys?' He reached for them on the counter. He sometimes tends to forget them. 'It's Halloween tomorrow...' he trailed off. After what happened fifteen years ago, I have sworn to never celebrate Halloween again. 'Yeah... I know,' I mumbled. It was all I said about it and turned away. I know he wanted to talk about it. He knew Michael and I were befriended.

I felt a warm touch on my back. 'Today... I am going to try on wedding dresses,' I said. 'Ah...' he nuzzled in my neck. 'Hmm, a shame I can't go with you...' he sighed. I smiled and softly nudged him with my elbow. 'You know you can't. It's supposed to be a surprise,' I muttered. He kissed the crook of my neck. The smile faded from my face as he walked off. After the entire thing with Michael, I started to become a little afraid of people. To make new friends. Jack was the only friend I really had. I know not everyone is a family killing psychopath, but I couldn't shake the feeling off. Especially in high school, it had been extremely hard for me to fit in. I got bullied all the time. Still am sometimes when I walk down the street. It's also known I was befriended with 'the monster' of Haddonfield. I stayed regardless, but I probably should've left after my mom died.

Jack pecked my lips one more time before he exited. Through the kitchen window, I watched him walk off. It was stupid to stay in Haddonfield. I probably should talk about it when he gets home. I started doing the dishes and some other chores around the house. I would go to the store around the evening. It was the only spot they have left for trying on dresses. Walking up to my car, I had a horrible feeling. The feeling of being watched by someone or something. I stopped as I reached the car and briefly scanned the street. 'I am just paranoid,' I thought before hopping in. I hate Halloween. I drove in town towards the bridal shop. It helped getting my mind off things and focus on the wedding next year. I want to marry during the summer and so does Jack.

A lady walked up to me. 'Celeste Williams?' I nodded and shook her hand. 'Nice to meet you, I am Angel and I'll be helping you today.' I smiled. 'Come with me...' I followed her deeper into the shop was welcomed with sight of the many dresses displayed. 'Do you have something in mind?' she asked. I honestly hadn't, I had decided to just try on some dresses and see which one makes me happy or emotional. Some girl tends to get emotional in their dress and then they know it's 'the' dress, but I wasn't so sure if that's true. I picked some dresses and tried them on. Trying on my fourth dress, I felt watched again. I looked away from the mirror. 'What do you think?' Angel asked. 'I love the dress...' I trailed off, looking at the window. There was nothing but trees, but I still felt a pair of eyes burning holes in my body.

'You want to try the mermaid dress?' I nodded slowly and picked up the dress, walking over to the fitting room to change it for a fifth time. I was a little on edge. 'It's all in my head...' I told myself. Angel zipped the dress closed. 'You seem a little nervous...' she began. 'Oh, no...' I trailed off and turned. 'You were Michael Myers friend, right?' I sucked in a breath and gave a small nod. 'Are you afraid he is coming for you tonight?' My facial features turned from surprise to shock. 'Excuse me?' I asked. 'I am sorry...' she apologized. 'I thought you were concerned Michael would come back for you tonight... or his baby sister,' she replied. I frowned. 'What are you talking about?' There was a silence. 'You haven't seen the news? Michael escaped last night.' I felt my heart almost stop. That couldn't be true! Michael couldn't have escaped.

My paranoia was true. I am being watched by a monster. 'Get me out of this dress.' She obeyed and unzipped the dress. I dressed up in my clothes and left the store. Michael knows. He knows I am going to marry and he will go after Jack if not after me. I am screwed. I hopped in the car and drove straight home. On my way, I tried to call Jack, but he didn't pick up. 'Jack. Listen to me. You can't come home tonight! Michael escaped and he's coming back to Haddonfield. If he finds you, he will murder you. Just promise me you won't come back. We will go to your mom and stay there until he's caught and after that, we move out of this stupid town. I will meet you tonight on the spot where we always used to go as teenager,' I disconnected the call and sped up.

By the time I got home, it was dark. I entered my home and shut the door behind me. Usually, Jack comes home around seven. It's an hour driving from his work and he's running late today. He has a meeting, which could be in his benefit. Michael couldn't be here. Or at least, if he hadn't left earlier, the shop isn't too far from here. Maybe 15 minutes walking. I was about to run up the stairs as I heard a faint noise coming from the kitchen. We don't have a dog or a cat, the doors were locked and Jack isn't home. I felt that same horror as I felt fifteen years ago when I saw Michael being carried away. I had been there. The look he gave me when the cops drove off would be engraved into my mind forever. The hate and anger reflecting his eyes would even scare a grown man.

I didn't have to walk into the kitchen to know it was Michael. It wasn't just a feeling. It was something I just knew. How would he react? Would he kill me right away? He threatened to kill me fifteen years ago if I would ever have another friend. I kind of kept that promise, except the fact that I found jack and wanted to marry him. I can do two things. Turn around and try to make it for my car, or face him. I honestly don't think it will matter if I try to make a run. Michael will outrun me anyways. I turned towards the kitchen and with shaking hands, I switched the light. There he was. A 6'8 tall masked man, holding an eight-inch-long kitchen knife and covered in blood. Damn, he had grown. His muscles were bulging underneath the jumper he was wearing. 'Hello, Michael.' 

PREY - yandere! Michael MyersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon