Chapter 61

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On the way, the housekeeper told Jiang Yi about the situation.

At noon today, the general and his aunt had dinner around the table as usual. The weather was cold, so they bought some mutton to stew. The second lady said she was not feeling well, so she didn't come to eat.

Unexpectedly, after eating a few mouthfuls, the aunt spat out a mouthful of blood, which terrified the family. The general went to help Mrs. Gu's wife, and immediately his stomach started to hurt. The servants in the family saw that something was wrong, so they immediately went to ask a doctor.

The doctor came to take a look and said that it was poisoning, but it was not the common poison such as Hedinghong, and he didn't know how to solve it for a while. The housekeeper went to the doctor in a panic, and moved out all kinds of medicines that the general usually collected, and wanted to try to see if the detoxification among them could detoxify the poison.

The general and auntie both ate some, but the effect was not good. The doctor said that they were just hanging their lives. Now that the eldest young master is not in the capital, the housekeeper has no choice but to go against the general's order not to disturb the second young master and come here.

There was a whimper in General Pingnan's mansion, and Jiang Yi got off the carriage and walked in quickly.

When the people knelt down and saluted, Jiang Yi ignored it and followed the housekeeper directly into the warm pavilion where his father and aunt rested.

"Father, aunt!" Jiang Yi walked quickly to his aunt's bed. After reading it, he went to his father's resting couch.

At this time, Jiang Xianzhi was speechless, her face was pale, her eyes were slightly open, and she seemed to be in a semi-conscious state.

"You... why are you here?" Jiang Hengde gasped and said intermittently.

Jiang Yi hurriedly sat on the edge of the couch, waved everyone in the room away, and asked the housekeeper to close the door. Then he said, "If something like this happens, why can't my son come?"

With that, Jiang Yi gathered his powers in his hands to protect Jiang Hengde's heart.

Jiang Hengde smiled and said: "It's useless, don't waste your energy, I'll talk to you."

Jiang Yi knew that his current ability could not solve the toxicology, but he didn't stop, and he was very anxious and hated Why didn't I find a way to exercise my abilities, so that it was not useful at all at critical moments. What's even worse is that Song Qi is not there. If Song Qi is there, there may be a solution.

Jiang Hengde clapped his hand and said, "You, you have never let me worry about it since I was a child. When I married King Lu, I was indeed a little worried, but seeing that you are doing so well now, I feel at ease. It's worthy of your mother. And your brother, because of me, because of our family's relationship, has not married yet. A few days ago that Qi Guanhan lived in our house, I saw some signs, and I don't know if it's right. No, but thinking that Qi Guanhan is a Jianghu person, if your brother is really with him, is Qi Guanhan giving up life in Jianghu, or your brother giving up the official position in the court, it is actually embarrassing for them. So I am not optimistic. I didn't mention it, I don't know. Now I'm dying. Your brother's business, you should have more snacks. If he wants to be with Qi Guanhan, just let him. In the future, you brothers should take care of each other more, don't It 's good to have a birth."

Jiang Yi's eyes reddened, "It's only right that my father has to preside over the affairs of my brother. Qi Guanhan doesn't look like it's easy to serve, but in fact it's very easy to get along with. My father will understand after spending more time with him."

Jiang Hengde smiled. Laughing, eyes slowly closed.

"Father!" Jiang Yi didn't give up using his abilities, "Father, wake up, don't sleep!"

Jiang Hengde just smiled, but did not open his eyes.

Jiang Yi's tears fell, and he was exhausted by the large number of mobilization of supernatural powers, and the cold sweat also flowed down. The one in the stomach didn't worry, maybe because Jiang Yi was unwell, and the child was unsteady. The abdominal pain hit Jiang Yi's eyes, but he didn't dare to give up.

The two choices in front of Jiang Yi now put him in a dilemma. If he releases a lot of powers, he can only choose one between the child and the father, and he doesn't know how to choose. On the one hand, it is to give birth to his own father, and on the other hand, it is the child that he has not yet met. The sadness and entanglement in this have almost crushed Jiang Yi's nerves.

At this moment, a green light suddenly appeared on Jiang Yi's body, and then gathered from all around to Jiang Yi's hand. If you look closely, you will find that the source of the light is around the waist and abdomen, and there, a child is being conceived... Jiang Yi's belly It doesn't hurt anymore, my body is light, and I don't feel tired.

Jiang Yi found that in his current abilities, there are more white warm lights, as if such energy was provided by another individual.

After a while, Jiang Hengde, who was about to lose his breath, suddenly sat up and spit out a few mouthfuls of black blood. The last thing he spit out was clean liquid, I don't know if it was gastric juice or what.

Jiang Yi looked at his hand, the green light was still concentrating upwards, Jiang Yi wiped away his tears and smiled, then walked to the bedside and started treating his aunt with poison. He didn't know if he could really force the poison, so he had to try again.

Jiang Xianzhi, like Jiang Hengde, also vomited blood.

Afterwards, the light on Jiang Yi disappeared, and the child was very quiet.

Jiang Yi tried it again and found that the supernatural powers he had gathered were already green and white. He was not sure what was going on, and whether there would be any problems with his children. Everything had to wait for his father to wake up. Just come and ask.

After doing what he could do, the imperial physician in the palace also came. Jiang Yi quickly asked the imperial physician to diagnose and treat, and lied that he had given medicine to his father and aunt before they vomited blood.

The imperial physician was overjoyed after the pulse diagnosis, saying that the poison had been cleared, but it still took some time to recover.

Jiang Yi was also relieved, he just adjusted slowly, it was better than losing his life.

After the imperial doctor opened the child, Youxing cleverly gave the red envelope and sent the person out in a proper manner.

Xia Feng personally went to get the medicine and boiled it. Jiang Yi was relieved after watching the servant and maid feed the medicine into the mouths of his father and aunt.

"By the way, what about Jiang Yuewei?" Jiang Yi asked. If something like this happened at home, even if Jiang Yuewei is a girl, she should come out to see it, right?

The housekeeper said: "I informed the second lady before something happened, and then the slave went to find you, and I didn't see the second lady when I came back."

Jiang Yi said: "Go and call Jiang Yuewei, I can't take care of my aunt's place. It would be better if she came."

"Yes." The housekeeper responded and went.

Xia Feng helped Jiang Yi to rest on the soft couch he had just moved in. Jiang Yi didn't feel it, but as soon as he leaned on the soft pillow, he fell asleep.

When Jiang Yi woke up, it was already evening. Jiang Hengde and Jiang Xianzhi woke up early and were drinking the medicine for the second time.

Seeing that he was awake, Jiang Hengde waved the others away and asked, "Are you more diligent again?"

Jiang Yi smiled and explained the situation.

Jiang Hengde nodded when he heard it, "Your mother was so diligent when she was pregnant with you."

Thinking about it, the child should not be affected, and Jiang Yi was relieved.

Jiang Xianzhi understood what they were talking about, but Jiang Hengde didn't hide it this time and told everything.

Jiang Xianzhi was both surprised and delighted, thinking that it was God's blessing on their Jiang family, and when they were ready to raise them, they went to the temple to add some sesame oil money, and ate fast and chanted Buddha for a month to show their sincerity.

"By the way, is Jiang Yuewei here? I asked someone to come over to serve my aunt, and then fell asleep." Jiang Yi was a little embarrassed.

When Jiang Yuewei was mentioned, Jiang Hengde and Jiang Xianzhi both became ugly.

Jiang Yi wondered, "What's wrong?"

"She ran away." Jiang Hengde said coldly.

"Huh?" Run away? Where are you going?

"The housekeeper went to her and found no one, and found that the maid and maid who followed her were gone. She opened the closet and saw that there was nothing, didn't she run away?" Jiang Hengde said.

"But why did she run away? Even if her father and aunt died of poisoning, and there is still a big brother in the family, it's not impossible to live on, right? Besides, can she live a good life without her?" Jiang Yi really couldn't understand.

Jiang Hengde punched the couch and said, "If she doesn't run, I will strangle her to death myself!"

Jiang Yi frowned, "Could it be... Could it be that she did the poison?"

"Yes!" Jiang Hengde said, "I just I asked the housekeeper to ask the people in the kitchen. When the mutton was stewed in the kitchen this morning, she went to the kitchen and lifted the lid. After that, your aunt and I were poisoned after eating it. And the person who made this soup in the kitchen was also poisoned. Cook. I just had someone take a look, and the body is cold." The

cook was about to taste the soup, so naturally he was also poisoned. Because the cook drank less and said it was stomach discomfort, he went back to the house to rest early, and no one else took it seriously. I didn't expect people to disappear like this.

"But why did she do this?" Jiang Yi didn't understand why Jiang Yuewei could poison her family. But if she didn't do it, why should she run away? And she should have escaped by herself, not by being kidnapped. The kidnappers wouldn't pack her clothes, but also brought all the people to wait on, and she was not discovered by the family.

"You have to ask her!" Jiang Hengde said.

Jiang Yi sighed, "Father, the health of you and your aunt is important, so let's take good care of it first. Just send someone from Jiang Yuechan to look for it. By the way, what about Aunt Guo? Will she know where Jiang Yuechan is?"

Jiang Hengde He shook his head and said, "It's gone."

Jiang Yi sighed again, and yes, Auntie Guo's three meals were also prepared in the kitchen. Although she couldn't go out of the yard, she never lacked food, it was the same as the master at home. . So today's mutton meal, naturally, also has Guo Yiniang's share. And everyone is busy with Jiang Hengde and Jiang Xianzhi, how can they have time to pay attention to Aunt Guo?

Jiang Hengde said: "I will ask the government to arrest Jiang Yuewei and murder her parents and aunt. She must not be tolerated."

"My father can make up his mind. But Jiang Yuewei is a girl. Where did this poison come from, we still need to investigate carefully.

" Hmm." Jiang Hengde nodded.

After having dinner here, Jiang Yi went back to the house after making sure there was nothing wrong. It was a near miss today. He was still a little tired. He was ready to take a good night's sleep. When he woke up tomorrow morning, he would go back and have a look. After all, the imperial doctor has already been hired, and the emperor must know it, so it is normal to go several times during this time.

On the other side, it was getting late, so Feng Qin and his party set up camp and stayed there. Recently, whenever he saw something new, he would buy a few and prepare to take it back to Jiang Yi. He didn't know what happened to Jiang Yi in the house. It was inevitable to worry, but there was no other way.

After a few days' walk, you can reach the place of the Huo cult. The farther you go, the more you miss Jiang Yi. Sometimes I can't sleep at night when I think about it. Fortunately, he brought Jiang Yi's clothes and hugged him when he couldn't sleep. Yes, the heart will be at peace.

Sitting in the tent reading a book, Jiang Du hurried in and said, "My lord, a group of unknown people are attacking us, and ask the lord to arrange for troops to be dispatched." When

Feng Qin heard this, he immediately tugged at his own. The coat, while wearing it, walked out, "Go, get ready to fight!"

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