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Years ago, there lived seven extraordinary people who took it upon themselves to shape the future. These men and women did what no one else dared, they marched miles and miles, fighting for their lives nonstop all in an effort to help better the lives of those around them. Though they suffered greatly, their many sacrifices resulted in the liberation of the island, granting the common people the freedom to decide their own destiny.

Though they may have achieved victory in their crusade, many were never seen again. They vanished into history just as soon as they'd appeared. Though, their absence gave the island the freedom to choose their own leaders and paths without reliance on the tired warriors.

Those brave seven made numerous allies along their journey, all just as mysterious as themselves. One of these allies was an unknown man commonly referred to as Vole. Legend has it that Vole has an unageing body of iron, with a mind like a machine, though the only people to have ever met this man have all disappeared to time.

It is said that Vole does not age, so many assume he is still out there. Perhaps blending into society or perhaps living the lifestyle of a hermit. Whether or not he is still alive though, one thing remains true. His inventions and their impacts still exist out there somewhere, waiting to be rediscovered by the forces of good or evil. Only time will tell which side prevails. 

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