chapter dos

13 1 0

warning: muy nsfw!!!!!!!

ben sat down at his table like usual, chatting lightly with aiden, rivera, and grace. gunner strutted past their table with his school lunch, ben's eyes following him the whole way. he sat a few seats down from ben, hoping that he wouldn't notice. ben could feel his cheeks warming up at the sight of gunner in the flesh. "hi, ben~" he said, emphasis on the tilde. ben moved away from gunner slightly, faking disgust. "hi, gunner." he said with monotone expression. 

ben's eyes turned into giant heart emojis as his comically large heart practically beat out of his chest. his tongue rolled out onto the floor as the saliva (and "come") flooded out. ben tried to contain the massive amounts of come, but the sperm spilled out of every possible crevice. it got everywhere, like there was a 5-inch snowstorm inside. principal silas colner walked in, completely flabbergasted at this passionate act of love. "zoinks!" he exclaimed. "who has done this atrocious act?" 

there was silence. 

remy i'm so sorry

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