An Odyssey

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I wove almond and honey

Between the cells of my skin

Ginger and mint and

Lemons in my hair

My breath made the water boil- I held it and heard Iron and Wine from beneath the surface.

Curled on my side

Hands to collarbone

Knees to breast

In a green and porcelain womb, I

Dissolve. This time, I am

Surrounded by myself.


You wove sequences into my cells

Coded nuclei with

Four letters that- together- narrated

Freckles and

Jade eyes and dusty hair and pale,

Thin minnow feet.

Amino acids in trios- each a page

That told of wide hips and small teeth

Stars on my shoulders.

You wove a book that, read aloud,

Was a girl.

I was pale below the surface, I was

A bone, a rib-

White beneath the red. You learned

To write in verse and I

Learned to read myself aloud-


At the end of each chapter.


Together, we were an odyssey.

But this time, Penelope sailed-

Through angry seas and trickster winds-

Home to herself.


I will curl beneath green again,

Eyes closed and

Music bubbling in my ears. My

Sense of self dissolving

Into jacaranda blossoms. Little bodies made of yellow will

Cradle me-

Gentle as a womb.

They will weave my cells

Into honey again, and I will not need heaven.


Almond soap the color of my freckles, I

Close my eyes beneath honey-water. I sleep

knowing that ants will not

Go slow dancing amid my eyelashes


I stand, I shed drops from my ribs

in the shape of apple seeds.

I stand, I've come home

To myself.

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