Chapter 3: Warren annoys you

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You arrived on the street where you met Warren, thanks to your phone map. Unfortunately before you made it into your apartment, it had started pouring rain. You were completely soaked. You ran up the slippery steps of your apartment complex, mentally cursing to yourself. You quickly unlocked your door and slipped inside, your shoes squeaking against the tile floor, leaving wet footprints. You sighed as you sat down on your uncomfortable couch, taking off your shoes and socks. You were dripping all over the place.
"I'm definitely gonna catch a cold.." You groaned,
good thing that it was only Thursday, you should be better in time for Monday. After lounging for a bit, you decided the best thing to do now was to take a nice hot shower. You slowly got up from the couch and shuffled towards the bathroom, slowly twisting the doorknob. Since you had already unpacked most of your belongings the day before, your hygiene products were already sitting on the counter. You grabbed one of the towels that was in the cabinet below the sink, setting it down on the toilet seat so you would be able to grab it with ease once you finished your shower. You took off your wet clothes and turned on the hot water. Stepping into the tub, you felt immediately better as the water hit against your back.
You took a 20 minute shower.
You shut down the water, grabbing your towel and wrapping it against yourself. The sound of raindrops hit pretty aggressively against your bathroom window, it was making a loud thunking noise. Drying yourself, you opened the door to the living room, where you left the suitcase with your clothes. You grabbed sweatpants and a long sleeved T-shirt. Putting the shirt on and pulling up the pants, you sneezed.
Oh nah.. you actually DID catch a cold.
You grumbled, walking over to your kitchen. You opened the cupboard where you left your cereal box. You didn't have any milk.. or anything that needed to be refrigerated, so you just poured the cereal into a bowl and walked back to the couch. However, before you sat down, you noticed the wet stain on your couch.
That's right. You sat down in your wet clothes earlier.
As if this evening couldn't get ANY BETTER.
Now frustrated, and snotty, you grabbed your phone from your wet jacket that was sitting on the floor. You moped into your room, your old bed squeaked as you sat down on it with your cereal. You grumbled as you munched on the dry cereal, turning on your phone, you noticed all of the messages you had gotten while you were distracted. Unlocking your phone, you opened your messaging app.

You cringed to yourself, he messaged you over 30 minutes ago, around the same time you got home

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You cringed to yourself, he messaged you over 30 minutes ago, around the same time you got home. To be honest, your social battery was already drained and you didn't feel like talking to anyone. You just wanted to relax and listen to the rain, especially since you were starting to feel shitty, but it was already too late, your phone would show him that you read his message just now so you might as well respond.

Y- "Hi Warren, sorry I didn't respond, I had to do something. I made it home fine thank u :D"
Warren responded almost immediately.
W- "Sorry caps"
You laughed a bit but it tickled your throat, causing you to cough.
W- "Can I call you?"
Before you got the chance to respond, your phone changed to the calling screen.

W- "Can I call you?"Before you got the chance to respond, your phone changed to the calling screen

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You sweat dropped and declined the call.

Y- "I can't call right now. Sorry :("
You were kinda annoyed that he didn't let you respond.
W- "Why not"
Y- "I just can't, sorry again"
He didn't respond and left you on read. Maybe he finally got the message. You smiled and sat back, resting your head on your pillow
Then your ringtone jumpscared you.
You sat up quickly and snatched the phone from the sheets.
Warren was calling AGAIN.
You huffed and accepted this time.
You put him on speaker and waited for him to start talking with his high pitched voice.
At first there was just a lot of shuffling coming from the microphone, it sounded like he was running, then the sound of a door slamming. "S-SORRY.. Hi Y/N!!" He wheezed, clearly out of breath, he was definitely running just a second ago.
"Hi Warren." You grumbled, not bothering to hide the annoyance in your voice.
"A-Are you okay?" He squeaked.
"Sorry I'm just.. I think I caught a cold." You confessed. "I actually.. did get caught in the rain."
"ARE YOU OKAY?" He was too close to his phone microphone, so his voice basically echoed throughout your, pretty much empty, room. You gritted your teeth, his volume made your ears bleed.
"Y-Yeah. I'm just gonna rest for a bit."
Silence came from your phone. It was kinda awkward waiting for him to respond.
".. o-okay. Well.. have a good rest, I-I'll call you later."
Not waiting for you to respond AGAIN, he hung up.
What was up with this guy?
His actions were very confusing to you.
Silently thanking him for hanging up, you layed back down on your bed, eventually drifting off to sleep.

- longish time skip

Over the three days before you would go to work for the first time, Warren called and texted you at least 100 times. You came to the realization that he was a pretty clingy guy, made you wonder if he was like this with everyone.
You learned he had a podcast, well it was inevitable. He sent you a link to it, which honestly, you didn't listen to any of it. It was about stuff you weren't really interested in. Too bad for you, he'd always call you and start talking nonstop about it.
The back of your mind was practically begging you to just block him, which you obviously couldn't do. He was a nice guy! Extremely annoying but a nice guy! You'd feel too bad to tell him that you really weren't interested in talking about his podcast with him, so you just listened. One time he even asked you if you'd listened to any of it, which you lied saying that you prefer to listen to him talk to you about it.

But now was not the time to be talking about Warren's podcast, it was Monday morning and you had to get ready for your first day of work. You woke up at 5 am, ate at 5:15, put on your uniform at 5:20 and then left your apartment to get to work. You were dripping with anxiety. You walked down the sidewalk, the sun hadn't rised quite yet so it was chilly. You passed many street lights, they only illuminated small parts of the sidewalk, which made you feel uncomfortable. Only a couple cars passed by on the road, meaning one of the only sounds you could hear was your own footsteps.
Then you could hear another person walking behind you.
You whipped around in horror. .

Only to be met with Warren's pink, sweaty, pimply face.

[ok chapter three done . I don't know why I'm putting actual effort into this thing.

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