Headcanons Pt. 1

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Constance and Jane have crushes on each other, but aren't together.  Yet.

Misha and Constance are chaotic besties.

Noel and Ocean have an on and off friendship.  If they are mad at each other, they just don't talk to each other.  They eventually start to acknowledge each other after a day or two.

Jane was afraid of Noel at first, but then she warmed up to him.

What Kind of Friend They Are

Jane is the friend that everyone will protect with their life.

Honestly you mess with anyone in the choir, you mess with the whole choir.

Misha is the designated bodyguard.

Noel is the friend that is the best at planning revenge.

Constance is the mom friend.

Ocean is the brutally honest friend.

Ricky is the friend where you have heard what they said 29 times already, but they sound so happy when they say it, so you let them say it again. 


Constance: She/They

Ocean: She/Her

Jane: They/She

Noel: He/Him (I can already tell there will be people who will be like "Oh he's trans", but personally, I think he isn't.  He wanted to be a girl because he thought that was the only way he could get a man to love him)

Misha: He/They

Ricky: Doesn't really care

Other Things

Noel is really good a painting people's nails, so he does everyone's nails.

The choir got Misha to wear acrylics once, and he could barely funtion.

Constance dyed their hair purple becuase Ocean said it was her favorite color and they really wanted to impress her.

Rick writes so much y/n fanfiction it's scary.

The kids caught Virgil chewing on Karnak's wire, so they put Virgil in a cage, and made him their pet.  He is very spoiled.

Jane once spent a whole week listening to everyone's else style of music so she could find a type she likes.  Ocean likes motivational pop songs, Ricky like the background tracks to movies, Constance likes Disney songs, Noel likes show tunes and pop, Misha likes rap, Karnak likes Frank Sinatra, Virgil like rock (yes Jane asked him).  Jane likes Disney and show tunes the most, and hit all the high notes perfectly.

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