Scenarios Pt. 1

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A/N: We're just going to pretend Ricky isn't handicapped for these.

Going Bowling

Ocean demands the bumper things, but rarely needs them

Constance doesn't get the bumpers, but she gets a few gutter balls.  She end up with a relatively high score though.

Misha doesn't get the bumpers, and gets a lot of gutter balls.  He gets really angry and worte a rap called "I hate to bowl".

Noel doent get the bumbers and gets only spares with a few strikes dotted in there.

Jane uses the little ramp thingy to push her ball down, but she gets strikes every time.  When she doesn't use the ramp thing, she uses uses the bumper to help her get a strike.

Rick doesn't use the bumpers and rolls his ball with two hands.  Like, he doesn't put his fingers in the holes, he just rolls the ball with two hands.

At the Beach

Constance brings all the snackes, blankets, sunscreen, and water toys.

Ricky and Jane are building a gaint, detailed sand castle.

Misha and Noel are the "Shark!" people.

Ocean gets so sunburnt, her skin is as red as her hair.

Noel sings "How Far I'll Go" everytime he enters the water.  He says it distracts him from the coldness of the water

Misha runs in the water, and then talks in a squeaky voice for five minutes until he adjusts to the temperature of the water.

When They Walk by a Toaster and it Goes Off Unexpectedly

Ocean would yelp and yell "Fothermucker!"

Constance would jump and squeak, then says "Sorry" and takes the toast.

Noel would put his hand to his chest and dramaticly gasp like he's having a heart attack.

Misha would scream high pitchly, then write a rap about how he hates toasters.

Jane would not be phased.  She would just take the peice of toast.

Ricky would think the dog planet in SABM is invading and the realize he's fine.

Going to Spirit Halloween

Ricky would want to buy all the space and cat stuff.

Jane would actually be terrified of all the creepy dolls.

Ocean would be angered at all the sexualized costumes, especially the sexualized nuns.

Noel would buy a sexy nun costune to make Ocean mad.

Constance would jump at all the things.

Misha would step on all the things and wouldn't get scared.

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