Chapter Five: Fae are #$%#

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"I'm sorry, what authority do you have to be here again?" The fae secretary twitched her long ears and narrowed her pitch black eyes. "You may leave, wolf."

Rory placed her gloved hands on the desk and leaned forward. "Look, bitch, I'm tired, I'm pissed. I'm not here because I want to be. I'm here because I need to be. I know what happened last night." Getting up, Rory paced back and forth, gods what she wouldn't give for a cigarette right now. "Someone cursed a wolf, and that wolf killed two fae children. Someone needs to answer for it."

The secretary straightened in her chair. "As usual you're trying to start a fuss over nothing." Her eyes flicked to the side. "Nothing happened last night."


The door to the large office opened. A tall fae froze when he saw Rory, his silver skin sparkling. "Shadow. You're trespassing, you better have a good reason to be here.


"I do, it's about urgent truce business," Rory stated, leaning against the wall. "But your secretary here wouldn't let me talk to you."

"You need permission from the court to speak to me. Talking as we are makes you guilty of unlawful examination." Servil glowered down at her. "Come back when you have permission. Unless you want me to get the authorities involved."

Stalking forward, Rory came a whisper away from his ear and dropped her voice low. "You were supposed to meet Toby last night. Now, he's dead. What will the council say to a nonconsented meeting with a shadow that led to bloodshed, hmmm?"

Servil grabbed Rory by the collar and threw her into his office with more strength than she expected him to hold considering how slim he was. Rory stumbled over herself, catching her balance on his desk.

The office doors slammed shut behind them.

Holding a finger to his lips, Servil vaguely gestured to several objects. It was clear he meant his room was bugged and they couldn't properly speak. Rory nodded and played along for now.

"I honestly can't understand what's wrong with you wolves. So disrespectful of our privacy." He backhanded her across the face, sending her head sharply to the side. But Rory didn't miss the flash of paper tucked into her pocket that he'd hid from whatever camera he feared.

"Pardon me, Councilman, it won't happen again," Rory said and quickly left. She kicked a potted plant next to the secretary in a show of aggression. "All you fae can suck my wolfly ass!"

The secretary leapt from her chair and pressed a button on the wall. "Security!"

It was the fastest way to leave the Gricious sector. Rory was quite proud of herself for scaring them into doing what she wanted.

Two burly fae with long, black wings appeared beside the desk. Their matching suits were very obviously cheap, a reflection of their poor pay.    

"Escort this wolf off fae grounds, and don't be afraid to rough her up a little," the secretary sneered with authority she didn't have.

Rory took a quick step and made her jump. She laughed, gods what an awful fucken fae.

The security guards roughly grabbed Rory by the arms, digging their nails into her skin and dragged her out of the office. The amount of strength they hosted set off alarm bells in her mind. What if they really did decide to rough her up? Even for show, she couldn't take that right now with her injury.

The one that held her wounded arm jerked her roughly forward. A few of the stitches popped. Blood seeped through Rory's shirt and dripped down her chest beneath her jacket. Shit.

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