Chapter 1: Prologue

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I woke up again with the same recurring dream that I can't seem to get away from. Every time this dream happens the same thought goes through my mind "what if". What if I hadn't done what I have done, would he still be here? What if we still had that bright future we both dreamed of? What if he was here when I need someone to hold me? Would I still feel this lonely like I did before we met? Everything we had planned gone, out of the picture. I know you're probably wondering, what the hell is wrong with girl?

Why doesn't she just get over it already? Who is she talking about and what did she do? Well that is only for me to know and you to find out. But I'll tell you this not everything or everyone is what they seem to be. I mean your friends, family, or pet can turn on you just like that. Here's an example your best friend can also be a backstabbing hoe and you wouldn't even know it. Just a little food for thought.

Senior Year 12 years ago

''Promise me you never cheat on me Anthony.'' I said

''I promise.'' He laughed.

''No for real Anthony all jokes aside promise me.''

''Okay, okay I Anthony Elmonte promises never to cheat on Jen, better yet I promise never to leave you.'' He smiled

He held out his pinky finger and I held out mine. We locked our fingers together and stared at the sunset. I laid my head on his chest and enjoyed this wonderful moment.

''I can't wait to see what the future is like with you Jen.'' He said eagerly

''Yeah me too.''

''Me and you we are going to make it out of the slums together.'' He said

''And then what are we going to do?'' I asked

''We are going to get married, live in a huge brick house with eight kids.'' He said readily

''I wonder who will be having your eight kids?'' I asked playfully

''Fine I'll settle for six kids then.'' He laughed.

We sat in what seemed like pure bliss watching the sun set on the horizon. Our heart beat matched I never would of thought of finding love through him. We're two different people living in the same corrupted world with no moral values but only to get out. I hated the fact that we were so different I was the eccentric, rebellious girl who kept to herself and only converse with a few people the 'loner' is what they would call me.

I would let them continuously mock me, but when I met Anthony that changed. Anthony was the bad boy of the school that every girl wanted and every guy wanted to be. His name was always in something, smoking weed in the school? He did it. Hid the mascot costume in the school's dumpster? It was him. Threw old food at the principle's car and office? He did that too, But you guys see where I'm getting at he is an asshole. But who would have thought that he went through some tough things we may not be the same personality wise but we both had a rough past and what seemed a bright future.

As the sunset was almost over I had gotten a text from Jamiya telling me not to trust him. I just hit the sleep button on top of my phone and just sat there. I don't know who to believe anymore, Jamiya has been my one and only person I consider a real friend the rest are just fake trying to get to Anthony. Maybe she is just jealous that I actually have someone that is perfect for me. What am I saying why would she be jealous of me and Anthony.

''Are you okay Jen?'' Anthony asked.

''Um. Yeah lets go.'' I said with a smile.

We got up and walked to his car and got in and he drove me home. I gave him a kiss good bye and went inside. I got inside to see my mom pissed drunk on the couch I put the cover on her took the bottle out her hand and took a swig of it. I walked to my room and lie on my bed and let my mind ponder. What if she is telling the truth and he cheated on me. For once in my life why can't I have something that makes me happy?

Why must everything come with an obstacle with me? I haven't smiled a real smile since Anthony came into my life. He doesn't judge me like everyone else does he lets me be myself. I felt this sharp pain in my head and it was killing me. I went to the cupboard in my bathroom grabbed the sleeping pills and took one. Before I even made it to the bed I started to feel drowsy. Before I even got to sleep there was a constant tap on my window which irritated me more.

I tried my best to ignore it if I didn't respond maybe they would go away sadly that didn't work. I got up to my window opened the curtains to my surprised it was Anthony but, something felt odd about him.

''What do you want?'' I said opening the window

He climbed in the window and paced my room his face madder than ever.

''Anthony what's wrong what happened.'' I asked again.

No reply.

''Anthony what is wrong?'' I asked as I stopped him.

He shot me a look which I only see when he is mad I quickly let go of him.

''If you're not going to talk can you leave so I can go to bed?'' I requested.

He stopped and looked at me with a blank stare he knows I hate being stared at. I studied his face and I noticed it was swollen and he had a busted lip how come I didn't notice this before?

''Anthony come here who did this to you?'' I asked trying to touch his scar.

No reply instead he avoided my touch.

''Anthony are you going to let me help you or not?''

No reply.

''Can you at least tell me what happened or who did this?'' I asked

He stopped pacing again and sighed ''It was him again he came home drunk and he slapped my mother.'' He paused ''I couldn't let that happen again not this time so I fought back.''

''So wait, who hit you? Was it your father?'' I questioned.

''Jen if I go back there I am going to end up doing something I won't regret.'' He said

''Anthony you can't-''

''Well I'm not going back there Jen just for the night.'' He pleaded

''Fine I guess you can stay the night but only for tonight.''

''Thanks, can I use your phone I left mine back home I have to call my mom?'' he asked

''I guess just don't be loud my mom is sleeping.'' I said handing him the phone.

He went outside my room for some privacy I hope he's not too loud. I mean I may not have the greatest mom but at least she is trying to change for the better and actually act likes a mother. I'm going to sleep with or without Anthony as I lay in my bed and slowly drifted off to sleep. I was half asleep when I felt two arms wrap around my waist and a set of lips pressed against my cheek. I felt his curls brush up against my neck.

''I love you Jen.'' He muttered

I couldn't help but smile he never would tell me that he loved me first unless it was a special occasion it was always the other way around. I felt good in his hold; it felt like nothing bad can happen he is my knight in shining armor. I finally was able to get a peacefully and soundless sleep.


Well here is the first Chapter I hope you liked. The video tralier doesn't work on mobile I'm sorry I tried to fix it. Please tell me what you think of it. Me personally believe it was an good start. Leave feed back and don't forget to vote. Thanks I also would like to thank Jen and Jamiya for allowing me to use them as characters. Thank you.

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