Hide and Seek - FE4

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Before Julius's possession, Arvis's family was much like any other—and he loved his daughter like any good father should.


"3... 2... 1! Ready or not, here I come!" Arvis smiles, eyes now uncovered as he goes to search about the castle for his little daughter Julia. Giggling from just around the corner—she's obviously close by, he thinks. Unsurprising. She never does hide too far away when they play this game together, oddly enough. Perhaps to make it easier on this aging man and his weary bones? Time has passed so quickly since the Battle of Belhalla. Either way, it's nonetheless a joy to hear her laughter as they play. He doesn't mind.

And so, grinning, he approaches the hiding spot. "Oh, dear! I wonder where my poor little Julia could've gone!" The emperor calls, his own footsteps echoing through the castle hallways as he pretends to look carefully. The tittering gives it away, of course. That and the small feet under the curtain nearby. "Hmm... perhaps she is... HERE!" Pulling away the curtain to reveal the tiny girl; Arvis swoops Julia up in his arms and spins her around in the air as she squeals with joy. "I've found you!" Laughter. He wants it to be this way forever: just him and his family. Of course it's too much to ask when it's built on power and lies, but can't a man dream? He brings her close, still smiling.

"You win again, Papa!"

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