If you were in my shoes

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Swearing at you is a sin
And you always were ready to behead me every time I did
Always trying to be nicer, kinder
just to have your approval
Too bad you were so quick to see the worst
And this phrase was always on the tip of my tongue, "I'm sorry. I'll change and be better."

Running away for you was easy as replacing me
but for me, running away was like losing a limb. Hard to accept that it's gone
Even if I yelled at you, it feels like you encased your ears with soundproof nets
Bet you didn't know that
It's not like you tried

If you were in my shoes
You would see that I tire like a rag
Every time we play the chase game
Loving you sometimes feels like a drag
Pain and distraught is all I feel when I call out your name

If you were in my shoes
You would see that I sometimes say "I'm fine" so everyone would leave me alone
Showcasing my feelings becomes such a bore
Putting myself last is how I put you in the love zone
Feelings for you ain't enough no more, wishing for what we had before the chaos to be restored

If you were in my shoes
You would do anything for me
You would be less impatient with me

If you were in my shoes
You would love me unconditionally like how I once loved you

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