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Witches, werewolves, elves, vampires. They were legends, monsters created just to spook children. He remembered the stories his friend used to tell about a mysterious murders. He remembered the warnings his mom used to say to him when he didn't listen to her - 'don't go out after dark, we don't know what is hiding in the shadows' she used to say.

But despite all of the stories he heard during his 23 year old life, these mystical creatures existed only in books, movies and his imagination, Sunwoo would never expect that they were real. 

But they were, and they were closer than he could ever imagine.


It all happened so suddenly. 

It was friday, boring day as usual. He was chilling after the whole week of classes in the dorm he was sharing with his close friend Haknyeon. He turned off his laptop and tv, he couldn't look at the screen for longer than a minute because his eyes couldn't handle it - perks of studying computer science, so he was just laying on his bed with earphones in, listening to music.

He was waiting for his roommate to come home after his shift in a clinic. Ju Haknyeon was one year older than him and he was studying to become a vet and he recently got an internship in a local vet clinic. Since he had classes in the mornings his shifts usually lasted from 6PM to 9PM on weekdays. He usually was just helping out a little so he worked shorter than the doctors there. 

The older one was someone Sunwoo cherished a lot. Haknyeon was just such a kind hearted boy that everybody loved him. Even though he was studying on the medical faculty he had friends all over campus, it didn't matter if that was someone much younger or much older (like the university gardener for example, who was probably as old as Haknyeon's grandfather. Sunwoo was sure that Haknyeon was even invited to the older man's birthday party at some point). He always found time to help the one in need, he was always the soul of the party - cracking jokes everywhere he went. He was such a lovely person, a yellow aura of happiness just radiated from him wherever he was.

 Sunwoo was actually surprised that they were friends. Sunwoo definitely belonged to the other side of the personality spectrum. While Haknyeon was an extrovert, the younger one was the perfect example of an introvert. While Haknyeon was always honest and expressive with his feelings, Sunwoo tended to keep his feelings to himself. They were the polar opposites but surprisingly they matched so well. Haknyeon was always the one making plans for them, he always took the younger to the parties or outside, just to take a short walk in the middle of the night. Sunwoo on the other hand was Haknyeon's anchor. He was the arm Haknyeon could lean on when he had some harder time in uni or on his scholarship. He was also taming his extra behavior when it was needed. He was grounding him when it had to be done.

Except for his beautiful personality, Haknyeon was also extremely handsome. They met for the first time 3 years ago when they were assigned to share a dorm room together and the first thing Sunwoo noticed when he entered the room were the pretty eyes and big smile of the older one when he greeted him. He had brown hair then and looked pretty cute with his messy curly hair and oversized hoodie. Now, Haknyeon's hair was black, he recently dyed it to his natural hair color.

And another thing when it came to Haknyeon was that Sunwoo might have had a tiny, tiny crush on him. 

It wasn't hard to fall for Haknyeon. Not at all. The older one was always there for Sunwoo, he was preparing food for the younger one every single day just so Sunwoo could sleep for a little longer. He was always helping him with everything he could and was also very supportive and always went to Sunwoo's soccer games screaming on top of his lungs for his roommate. So yeah, it was only a matter of time for Sunwoo's heart to start beating faster whenever he looked at the black haired boy.

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