Chapter 6:Social Media & Real Life

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【 ᴵⁿˢᵗᵃᵍʳᵃᵐ 】

/𝙰𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚊'𝚜  𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖 𝙰𝚌𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝/


🍕🍷 @vicdeangelis

🍕🍷 @vicdeangelis

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/ᴿᵉᵃˡ ˡⁱᶠᵉ /

/Pizza Bites ,Bike rides  & Break ups /

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/Pizza Bites ,Bike rides  & Break ups /

Alicia's POV
I 've met up with Victoria in the location she told me and we went to  a restaurant to grab something to eat
A huge slice of pizza  it's all I need right now
We went to a really nice place near Duomo and we ordered
We were having just a casual talk ,getting to know each other ..I told her about L.A , music ,my hobbies and more
She told me about herself , her band and her music
We actually  both love rock n roll
I told her that I play the guitar and piano and she got really excited
Victoria  is awesome
"Alice ,I am so glad I've met you ..I think we gonna be good friends ...'' Vic told me with a smile
"I thought the same " I agreed while I was biting my pizza
She chuckled ..

Suddenly, her phone buzzed and her expression changed ..She looked a bit shocked ..
"Are u okay ?"I asked her worried
"Damiano texted me and told me that something happened and wants to see me ..Do you mind if  I'll tell  him to come and meet me here ?" She asked me
Here comes again ...
I am gonna see Damiano again ...What could have possibly happened ?
"Yeah,no problem !!He can come " I said with uncertainty
I literally don't know what I am gonna say to him


Time have passed and It was dark outside and probably late
And I still haven't finished my pizza
I was about to finish but then Damiano arrived and I stopped eating
We were waiting for him to come
He was  wearing a black leather jacket and black jeans
His hair was less messier this time
Alexa is right ...That guy is gorgeous
Vic waved at him and he came towards us and sat next to Victoria
He gazed at me and  grabbed a pizza bite from Victoria's plate
He was upset and quite
"What happened ,Dam?" Victoria asked him ,patting his shoulder
"I broke up with Giorgia ...It's over ...We are done "
He said with a sad expression....I could see him in his eyes..He was hurt
I looked at him with a sad expression  and Victoria gave him  a big hug
"It's okay ,Damiano ...This things happen..I think it's for the best ...You will be better without her "Vic reassured him
Damiano sighed and his hands turned into fists
He was no longer sad ...He was angry
"I can't believe she'd  cheated on me..After everything we've been through...I offered her everything and also she helped me a lot ..." He said with disappointment
I was only listening without saying a word
I didn't want to intervene ...Better that way
I was only showing sympathy
Break ups can be tough
I have never experienced one of them ...But I can understand
Suddenly ,Victoria's phone rang
"It's my sister ...I have to answer the call...If you excuse me  for a moment "Vic said and went outside to talk to her sister

I was left alone at the restaurant with Damiano sitting in front of me
He crossed his arms and stared at me for a moment ..His stare was cold
I looked at him but then I turned my gaze elsewhere
He sighed
"So,what are you doing here ?"He asked me still looking at me
I was caught of  guard .I didn't expect him to talk to me
I need to answer though
"Vic, invited me to..."I was about to finish my sentence  but he interrupted me
"I don't mean here ....I mean ,what are you doing in Milan ?" He asked me with a higher tone than before
He looked a bit annoyed
"I came for an exchange program ...I am studying music .."I said  without showing any expression Damiano looked at me surprised
"You...Study music ?How ?" he asked me
He didn't expect that answer
"I 've been playing piano for 9 years  and also I play the guitar ..I've done some vocals as well ...I am composing music right now ..I am planning of writing a song " I stated
He chuckled
"Interesting....Maybe you are not as boring as I thought..." He said blankly
This guy is  so irritating..I can't believe that he's mocking me
I didn't want to argue with him right now ..He's just break up
I "ll keep it clean
"Well,life is full of surprises ...."
I said with a faded smile
He smirked and nodded
We were looking at each other for a moment but then Victoria came
"Sorry,guys !!" She said
I smiled at her
"No problem ....I think it's time to go ...It's late  ..I need to wake up really early tomorrow ...."I said to them
I have to go home and get some rest ..The university starts tomorrow...I need some sleep
I stood upright and took my bag and wore my denim jacket ...
Vic stood up and hugged me
"I had a really nice time with you,Alice !!We will go out again ,very soon ''She said to me 
I smiled at her
"Of course ...Looking  forward too" I added
Damiano stood up as well and gave me his hand ...
He came closer and whispered to my ear
There was no distance between us
"Nice meeting u Alice ...Looking forward to hear your songs ..." he said with a sarcastic tone
He's mocking me again ...I can't believe him
I sighed without giving him any answer
I said goodnight to them and went home

I think Damiano and I will not get along well ...


Damiano's POV
Vic and I left the restaurant .We decided to return to our homes ...It was kind of late
I also had a very exhausting and a disappointing day as well ...
Vic said goodnight to me and then entered  her car and began to drive
I was still so upset ....
As a result ,I decided to ride my bike around the city for a while to calm myself
I can't believe that I broke up with Giorgia
We were dating for almost 4 years ...She broke my heart ...
I've decided that I don't need any other woman in my life right now
I think I will pay attention to myself  and focus on my music and my band only ...
It's all that matters
I still can't believe that Daniel's sister studies music
She's just a shy and frightened little girl
She's nothing like me
But maybe she actually has a talent .....Who knows ?
I think I will have  plenty of time to get to know her
She is a mystery to me ...I can't easily understand her
Time will tell......

End of Chapter 6

𝐔𝐠𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ⤅ 𝘋𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘰 𝘋𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘥Where stories live. Discover now