Chapter 7: Real life

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/The foreign & the local student /

Alicia's POV
I arrived at the university earlier this morning ...The lesson for the exchange students starts in 40 minutes ..I wanted  at first to explore the campus and see the  yard ,the classes ,the library etc ..Everything looked so beautiful ...It was even better than I was expecting...I am looking forward to see  the teachers and attend the lesson and also meet new friends ...I think I am ready for this new beginning .I can do this
I will have one hell of a time in Milan , just like Emma have said

I went to the secretary and gave her my student ID card and some paper forms ...She gave me some documents to sign and a guide manual and she instructed me on where my classroom was ...I am not sure I totally understood ...I think I got lost ,I will never  find the classroom
I looked at the campus map but nothing helped me

Then ,I decided to ask someone
I saw a brunette boy  going upstairs and tried to stopped him
I  need to ask for help
"Excuse me !!!" I shouted and went upstairs
The boy stopped and turned around and looked at me
His eyes widened ....We both stared at each other
He was so cute
He had big almond eyes and messy dark brown bar
He was wearing a grey hoodie and a pair of black denim jeans and converse shoes
He was cute and stylish
He was looking at me and gave me a faded smile
"Yes?" He said quietly
"Sorry to interrupt ..Do you know where A 218 classroom is ?" I asked him and  smiled back
He looked at me relieved
"Are you an exchange student as well ?You attending the lesson right ?Music Technology?I am attending the same lesson .It's on the second floor ..You can come with me " he said and showed me the way
He was so friendly and helpful towards me
I was on luck today
""Oh reallly ?Guess we both are exchange students ..Thank you so much for the help " I said
He smiled again
""No problem ...What's your name ,by the way ?"
He asked me
To be honest ,I was getting a bit shy ...This guys was so cute and was asking me questions
"I am Alicia ..Alicia woods "I answered trying not to blush
He gave me his hand
"I am Dylan Russo.. Nice meeting you ,Alicia " he said
"Me too " I replied
We arrived at the classroom and we sat next to each other
I was glad that I found someone to talk to
I was less nervous right now
Dylan was so talkative toward me
"So Alice ,where are you from ?" He asked me
"From America ,LA" I replied
He looked at me surprised
"Wow !!Far from home ,aren't you ?"  He said with a smirk
""Yeah ,but my brother lives here ...Otherwise ,I wouldn't have come " I stated
"I see...My cousins live here ..That's why I decided to come as well .!!I am half Australian actually ...I live there ...My mother is Italian " Dylan said to me
I chuckled
"So we both have came here because of our families " I said
He smirked and he agreed with me
We were just looking at each other with a smile on our faces

He was about to speak but then a girl with black wavy hair and brown eyes interrupted us ... She was so pretty and looked so stylish ...She was wearing a black blazer and trousers , a white shirt and black leather boots ..She also had put some make up
I could tell that she was Italian
She had the style and the beauty and that elegance
She looked at me and then she spoke
"Oh my !!!Love your black leather jacket!!Where did you get it form ?" she asked showing us her beautiful Smile
Dylan just gazed at her and then my jacket
I looked at her surprised ..I didn't except to like it
"I...I bought it from America " I stated
She sighed
"Shame ....It's so far away from here ...So you are American ?" She asked me
"Yeah !!!I am an exchange student "I said
"That's legit !!!Nice meeting u both !!!Welcome to our semester ...I hope you"d like the teachers and the lessons ...I am Olivia Romano ...I live in Milan "
"Nice meeting u " Dylan and I said and we told her our names
She smiled at us ...She was very excited
"If u need anything u can ask me ...I know everything about Milan and the university "She said
"Do you have Instagram so we can contact each other ?" She added
She gave us her phone and we wrote down our Instagram accounts
My account was private so she couldn't see anything
But Dylan 's account was open and she took a look on his Instagram account
"So ,you play keyboards and electric guitar,huh ?And also you are into audio production?That's interesting ..." she said to him
Dylan just nodded and scratched the back of his head
Then ,she turned her eyes on me
"What about you Alicia ?"she asked
Dylan turned to look at me as well
"Well ,I have done some vocals ...I play classic guitar and piano and I am trying to write my own music right now ...My brother is also a music producer ..He works with a band " I stated
"Cool!!!" Dylan said and smiled
Olivia looked at me with enthusiasm
"Really??Which band ?"She asked wondering
"The band is called Måneskin "I said
Olivia was shocked ...She was about to start screaming
"Holly shit !!Your brother knows Måneskin ?I love them!!!They are my favorite....I went thousands times to their concerts ..I know all of their songs..They are very popular here in Italy ...And Damiano is so freaking hot !!" She said
I chuckled and Damiano came up on my mind for a brief second ...He is gorgeous indeed and single right now
"I don't know them ....I don't listen to Italian music "Dylan stated
"You should ...They are awesome " Olivia said to him
"Alicia ,I think that we are going to be great friends"She added winking at me
I smiled at her and then the teacher came and the lesson started
I was happy right now because I've just made new friends ....

Things are going well for me
I hope that they will stay that way
Well...Let's keep our fingers crossed

End of chapter 7

Author's note :
Helloo!!!P.S the chapter is unedited
Felix Mallard is my crush
Well Måneskin were only mentioned in this chapter but prepare to read Damiano's POV on the next chapter
See ya 🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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