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         The year was 114 AC, crown princess Rhaenyra Targaryen lay in her bed giving birth to her first child. The midwives around her were helping, or rather trying, to help her. Rhaenyra was terrified, this was her first child and all she could think of was her mother and how she died on her birthing bed. Though as time passed she gave birth to her first child, "It is a girl your grace! You have a daughter!" the midwife said happily as she handed the silver haired little girl to another midwife to hand to the princess.

        Rhaenyra was relieved, her heart melted as she saw her child. She looked just like her with Silverhair and purple eyes, a true future Targaryen Queen. However; her relief was short lived as the all too familiar pains returned. "W-What is going on? Why are the p-p-pains back?" She asked worriedly as her daughter began to cry. The midwife who had caught the newborn princess, checked below and let out a gasp, "Twins my princess! You're delivering another babe!" The midwife cried as she got ready to help deliver the second child of Princess Rhaenyra.

        It wasn't too long before the second child was born, "A Son! You've given birth to a boy, your grace!" The Midwife said excitedly as she handed the boy to another midwife. "Please tell me there isn't another. . ." Rhaenyra said with a slight chuckle. Rhaenyra looked at the boy, he had dark hair and dark eyes. He was almost the complete opposite of her first born, 'he looks just like his true father', she thought in her head as she looked over at her children who were currently being cleaned by the midwives. She too was also being helped clean up from the birth after she passed her afterbirth.

        After the three of them were clean and presentable, Laenor wasted no time and entered the room. "Rhaenyra! How are you? How is the babe–. . . .babes?" He asked as he looked from Rhaenyra then the two babies wrapped in blankets in her arms. "We are doing well. . . Our daughter was born first, she has silver hair. . ." She spoke softly as she looked at her husband then down at her children. The boy was sleeping soundly while the little violet-eyed girl was looking up at her mother with a curious expression on her small face.

        "Two babies. . . what should we name them?" Laenor asked softly as he moved and sat down near his wife and two children, "Vaella for our daughter. . .what do you want to name our son?" Rhaenyra spoke as she looked from her daughter then to her husband. "Jacaerys." Laenor spoke with a smile as he looked at the babies. "Vaella and Jacaerys Valeyron. . .well until Vaella takes the throne after you. . ." He said with a small smile on his face. After a moment of silence a knock was heard at the door, "Don't worry I'll get it." Laenor said with a small smile on his face as he stood. He then walked to the door, when he opened it he bowed his head as he saw King Viserys I and his lady wife Queen Alicent. "Your Royal Highnesses. . . Welcome, the princess had given birth to twins. A little girl and a little boy. Our daughter was born first." Laenor spoke happily as he looked at them.

        Viserys smiled widely as he walked in and went straight to his daughter, "Congratulations, I trust the birth went well?" he asked as he then looked at the two. Seeming to not ever notice or care for the boy's hair color and eyes, " Yes father, though my son made a surprise entrance." She said with a soft chuckle. "And which is which? Who is our future Queen?" He asked as Alicent made her way over. Her eyebrows raised as s he saw the boy's hair, she looked at Laenor with a knowing look but didn't dare say a word. "Princess Vaella of house Velaryon and one day Targaryen, she is the babe with the silver hair." Rhaenyra spoke proudly as she showed off her daughter. "And this little sleeping boy is Prince Jacaerys of house Valeryron." She said referring to her little dark haired boy.


        "They're small. . ." A small Aemond Targaryen spoke as he looked at the two babes in their cribs, "Of course they're small dummy. They're babies. . .I wonder if that one's dragon will hatch." Aegon spoke with a scoff as he looked at little Jacaerys and the egg that had been placed in his bed. "Why wouldn't it?" Aemond asked innocently as he then looked at the eggs, "Because they're bastards. Duh. I mean. It's obvious." Aegon said as he crossed his arms. Aegon was seven years of age, while Aemond was only four. Aemond wasn't sure what a bastard was but he knew from the way his brother spoke that they must not be good.

        "Come on, before Rhaenyra catches us in here, she'll think we're up to no good." Aegon said as he then pulled his brother away and out of the nursery. As they left Aemond looked back as he heard the sound of cracking, only one egg started to hatch. Maybe they weren't that bad? Though he had to trust his big brother, he knew what was best.

The only egg that didn't hatch was Princess Vaella's. This came as a shock to everyone.


        As the years past Vaella grew up along with her brother's and uncle's, however it was obvious to many that Vaella and Aemond grew the closest. They bonded over not having dragons of their own quite yet, she had just helped her brother's pick out a dragon egg for their newborn baby brother Joffery. She had also snuck out of the castle to join them in the dragon pit, although as she was told by many 'It is unlady like to be sneaking about the castle without an escort', Vaella didn't care. She would one day be queen would she not?

        "What are you doing here Vaella? Don't you have something you should be sowing?" Aegon laughed as he noticed the Silver-haired strong girl, "No Actually I don't" Vaella said as she stuck her tongue out at her older uncle. She then moved to stand near Aemond. Her twin brother Jacaerys, Jace, looked at her with an odd expression before he looked at their younger brother Lucerys. "Well you've just missed Jace and his dragon" Aemond said with a soft whisper as he looked at Vaella, a small smile on his face.

        "Yes. Well. Before we were sooo rudely interrupted by Princess Vaella here, Brother. We've got a surprise for you." Aegon said as he gently pulled Aemond away from Vaella, the rest of the boy's followed. Vaella was confused, 'a surprise?' she thought in her head, though she hoped it wasn't another one of the boy's pranks. "Yes. It's very special!" Lucerys said as he went to go get this 'surprise'.

        "Well you're the only one of us. . .us men who don't have a dragon" Aegon began as he glanced back at Vaella before he looked back at his brother. Vaella crossed her arms as she followed and watched the boys, "Indeed. . ." Aemond responded as he looked at the floor unsure of what his brother had planned for him. "And well. . . we felt badly for you. . .so. . .we've found one. . .for you. . ." Aegon said with a small smile. Hearing this made Aemond perk up, a dragon of his own? Had the gods answered his prayers today, "A dragon? How?" Aemond asked as he tried to contain his excitement and play it off coolly. "Well the gods provide. . ." Aegon said as he then led Aemond to the opening into the dragon pit, Vaella froze in her tracts when she started to hear the sound of oinks coming from within.

        Once Lucerys had made his way up the pit with a pig, Aegon and the other boys spoke. "Behold. . ." Aegon began, "The PINK DREAD" All three boys said in unison before they exploded with laughter. "Be sure to mount her carefully! The first ride is always the roughest." Aegon said as he laughed and even snorted to imitate the pig before them. "You're all a bunch of cunts!" Vaella yelled as she punched her twin in the arm, though he didn't seem fazed at all. "Grow a sense of humor Princess, no one will want to marry a snuck up bitch." Aegon said to her after her brother's were away and out of earshot. He smirked before he left the two alone.

        There was a moment of silence as she walked over and stood beside Aemond, who was just slightly taller than she was. "I am sorry Aemond. . .I-I didn't know about this if I had I–" Vaella began before Aemon cut her off, " I know. . .This is all mine and your brother's doing. . ." He said sadly as he stared at the pig. Vaella gently held his hand, "Don't worry. One day we'll both have dragons, the mightiest ones! Then we'll be the ones laughing at them. . ." She said confidently. Aemond smiled slightly but didn't say a word, he squeezed her hand slightly in acknowledgement.


        "You are to be wed to Aemond Targaryen one day." Rhaenyra spoke softly as she sat down at a table with her daughter. Only she, Laenor, and Vaella were in the room. "Oh. . ." Vaella said as she looked up at her mother, "When?" She asked curiously. Rhaenyra was surprised by her daughter's reaction, "Oh well. . .When you're both older." She said before she looked at Laenor. "You're not upset?" he asked his daughter as he sat down next to her. "No. Aemond is kind, and he is funny! I am sure he'd be a good husband one day. I enjoy his company." Vaella said with a shrug as she then looked at her parents. She didn't truly know what all came with marriage, but Aemond was her friend. One of her best friends, surely they would get along. Right?

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