Chapter Four

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It had been about two or three months since; Vaella, Aemond, and little Laena had arrived back at Dragonstone. The Velaryon boys absolutely adored their niece, an egg had been placed in her crib and it had hatched not too long after.  The dragon hatchling was a pale gray color with pearlescent like scales, its eyes were a deep blue almost black. Vaella was currently sitting near the window in the nursery holding her daughter as she slept, Vaella watched the ocean as she relaxed to the sounds she heard. She had definitely felt her mood improve being with her mother and brother's. Joffrey, her youngest Velaryon brother, often would read stories to his niece. Though at the moment he was elsewhere.

Aemond spent most of his time with his wife, he hadn't been too pleased about his move, but he knew that this could help his wife after the death of their son. He felt like an outcast amongst these Blacks, and every time he saw Lucarys his blood boiled. He didn't see his brother-in-law. No. He saw the Strong Bastard that took his eye. So, to keep the peace he stayed mostly with his wife and daughter. Whom he enjoyed watching grow, he had wished he had gotten to name his daughter after his mother, though he followed his wife's choice. Laena, as a befitting name for a princess. He walked into his and his wife's chambers, he smiled as he saw them by the window.

"Aemond. . ." Vaella said greeting her husband as he walked in, she had a small smile on her face. She had only just begun to smile again, yes, the pain of losing her son was great and a pain that would never go away. However; the more time she spent with her family, the more the pain started to dull. "My Sapphire. . .How are you today? And how is our Laena?" Aemond asked as he walked over and rested a hand on the side of her face and another on top of Laena's head while she slept. "Better. . .The Maid tells me she sleeps through the night and she takes to the wet-nurse excellently. . ." Vaella said with a soft expression on her face.

"That's wonderful news. . .How are you though? After. . ." Aemond said as he looked at his wife with a soft sympathetic look on his face, "I am. . .I am doing better. . .But I do not think that the pain of losing Vaegon will ever go away. . .Seeing him. . .I just have to get better. . .not just for him but for Laena and yourself. . .I have a husband and daughter that needs me. . ." Vaella said softly as she looked down at her daughter. "After my mother takes the throne, one day I will, and then one day it will all be Laena's. . .The realm will see three generations of Queens. . .I just hope that it all goes as it should. . ." Vaella said softly as she looked at her daughter with a soft look on her face. Aemond didn't say a word, as he looked at his wife and child.


As more time passed and soon it was Princess Laena's second name day, Vaella and Aemond had tried for a second child and she was currently eight months into her pregnancy. As it so happened that they had found themselves in Kings Landing once again, however it was not for a happy nor joyous occasion. For Vaella's relative Vaemond Velayron was bringing into question whether her brother Jacaerys should inherit Driftmark, you see her grandsire had been greatly injured and it was a life threatening injury.

It was time for the hearing, Aemond had asked Vaella to stand with him alongside his siblings and his family. However; she felt more comfortable alongside her; mother, step-father, brothers, and her step-sisters. Though her step-sisters were now her future sister-in-laws, as her grandmother had just announced to her grandsire his majesty the king, King Viserys the First. Vaella had kept her eyes on her husband before her attention was brought to Vaemond as he spoke up. "You break law. . .and centuries of tradition, to install your daughter as heir." Vaemond began as he moved to the center to better talk to the king.

"Yet you dare tell me. . .who deserves to inherit the name Valayron. . ." Vaemond said, hearing those words Vaella tensed up some, she hoped he wasn't going where she thought he was. "No. . . .I will NOT allow it!" he said as he looked at the king, " 'allow it'? . . .Do not forget yourself, Vaemond. . . ." King Viserys spoke in a horse and strained voice. There was a pause of silence, if someone dropped a quill, no doubt it would be heard in the throne room. "THAT is no true Valaryon!. . . " Vaemond yelled as he pointed at her brother Jace. Vaella straightened her posture as she looked at her kinsmen, her eyes glanced at her husband. She could see that he was tense, though she quickly looked back at Vaemond.

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