Awkward Conversation - Julie

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"Band talk or you and me talk?" Luke asked me.

"Uh, you and I talk. Can we go outside?" I said, looking at Alex and Reggie. They looked back at me with their eyebrows raised, but I ignored it.

"Of course." He started to walk to the garage doors and opened them for me, "After you."

"Thanks, Luke," I said with an awkward smile. God, this was going to be weird.

Luke shut the doors behind me, and we sat down on the steps that led up to my house. Before I could start talking, I heard suspicious noises coming from the garage.

"Shh, they can hear us!" I thought I heard Reggie say.

"If you can't actually whisper, they're going to know we're here." That was definitely Alex.

"Like you're some super spy yourself." Reggie snapped back at him.

I looked over to the garage, and my suspicions were confirmed. Alex and Reggie were peeking through the windows.

"If you're trying to be quiet, you're doing a terrible job!" I yelled at them. They quickly disappeared.

"They are so nosy," Luke said with a laugh. "Anyway, what did you want to talk about?"

"I just..." I said, not knowing how to start. "Why can I touch you? How can I touch you? Why now? What's going on?" I stammered out.

"Honestly, I don't know."

"Glad to know we're in the same state of confusion, I guess," I said, defeated. It's not that I don't love the fact I can touch him or the other guys, for that matter. I'm just now at the point where I want to know why I can do it all of a sudden when I couldn't before.

"Alex and I stayed up all night trying to figure it out, and the best conclusion we came up with was that we might never know why this happened." I'm sure Alex loved that answer. "But what I do know Julie, is that I felt stronger when I touched you, or you touched me; however that worked, and I felt more alive than I ever had before." He laid his hand over mine. For being dead, he is so warm. It's nice.

We sat like that for a few minutes; I think just appreciating one another's company. These changes weren't bad, not even a little bit. Having answers for it would be nice, though.

"I just wish we had more answers. What I really want to know is if this still means you... you guys are going to leave me at some point." I could deal with this thought when Caleb threatened their existence. They had seemingly no other choice but to crossover. Now, if they just weren't here one day because they crossed over or were done being ghosts... I don't know how I would handle that.

"If it makes you feel any better, I don't think we want to go anywhere or be anywhere but here. At least I know that's how I feel." I couldn't help but smile at that. But, of course, it still didn't answer my question as to whether they'd be forcibly taken out of my life... but at least Luke wanted to stay.

"That is... good to know."

"Well, I've been around Alex long enough to know what to say to help someone with intrusive thoughts." He smiled and started playing with my fingers on the hand he was still holding like he was trying to memorize each individual one. I don't know who to thank for him being able to touch me now, but this is kind of incredible.

Julie. Stop this. He's still a ghost. An unbelievably charming, gorgeous...

He pulled me out of my thoughts when he started to speak again. Good timing.

"I've also had this thought, though. I haven't shared it with the guys yet, but," He trailed off, trying to form his thoughts. "Maybe, it's because of you. I'm really starting to think that we were saved because of you. I think you're magic or something." I'm sure he added the last part to make it less intense.

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