Reincarnation? Oh no, man! ;-;

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Death is an inevitable thing. At any moment someone can die. It could be because of an accident, incident or fighting, it could be in anything. And where do we go once we die? For a possible afterlife.  Me as someone who believes that there is a Being Superior to us, it may happen.  I can't prove it and I'm not here to do that.

But the question is... what goes through the person's mind that, upon dying, you will receive one more chance to live on behalf of a god but you will live in another world of another universe?  I wanted to understand this!

"But Emanuel, we can have a story with that!"

Really? Because I have my doubts about.

Look, I'll be honest.  There is indeed a way to create a story of this type, after all we have plots like Re: Zero and Zero no Tsukaima that are there to prove this.  As much as it is an Isekai, these two works have a plot to tell us.  Which proves that you can make a story out of it.  But then what's the problem?  There it is, it seems that some authors are too lazy to create something new.

Obviously I'll have to give some examples here so I don't type bullshit here.  And we'll start with...

I died, but now I'm in another world.

It's almost an Isekai, but the difference is... the protagonist of such an anime dies, no matter what form, and soon after he is sent to another world of another dimension or universe!  And what universe is this?  A parallel universe like that Naruto Road to Ninja movie?  No, the protagonist goes in the world of Highschool DXD.  Look how cool!

I admit, it could be cool.  It's a crossover story after all, isn't it? So what's the problem?

The problem is that this story is kind of just going to show the protagonist being a badass in that world and attracting the attention of everyone who is there.  Showing that he is different.

And then I ask... why are there many of these stories like this?  It's not just with Naruto, it can also be with Izuku Midoriya, or maybe with an Original character of the Author, with any name that died somehow, and received a god's chance to live in another world.  And if it wasn't a god, it could have been another entity, I don't know!

Are there people who like this?  I believe so, but then I ask... why do you like this?  Is it because of the plot that is well done and is it different?  Because if so, then the story must be good.  But what if that's not your answer, then what is?

Don't get me wrong, guys.  It is possible to make an interesting story, with a plot that can hold you, but not to favor the protagonist!  And speaking of that, there's something that bothers me a lot, which is...


This one pisses me off, but it pisses me off a lot! First, what is a Reincarnation?  Let's search here on Google. Okay Google, show me what this means!

belief that, after death, the soul of a human being returns to life with another body (as in the doctrine of spiritists) [Understood as a synonym for metempsychosis, the term also encompasses rebirth or return in the form of other species.] .

In short, the person died and he came back in another person's body, and possibly, the person who died still has the memories of his past life even though he is in this new body.  That's an interesting one, right? Because I find it interesting. 

And what's the problem with that?  The problem is how many authors use this excuse of reincarnation for the main character to have the power of that character in a certain anime.

Can be anyone! It could be Madara Uchiha, it could be Itachi Uchiha, it could be Satoru Gojo, it could be Goku, it could be Vegeta, it doesn't matter!  It could be anyone the writers will want to use them as a reincarnation for the protagonist, be it Izuku or Naruto himself!

And you know what that spoils besides the main character receiving this power because of the excuse of reincarnation?  It's the reincarnated person himself appearing out of nowhere in the protagonist's life after he has suffered a lot in his life, and he comes there and says, "Hey kid, you're my reincarnation."

Really... and just now that you come and tell me that, you dumbass?!  Why didn't you come earlier and say that?!

And what else makes it worse? It's just that it's not even the reincarnated person who is living the other person's life, it's simply the other person living and, out of nowhere, the supposed reincarnation appears and talks to the owner of the other body that he reincarnated, and that HE IS THAT SHOULD BE LIVING THIS PERSON'S LIFE IN THIS BODY!

At least there are some writers who know what Reincarnation means and do it right and sincere, and that's forgiving and praising. But as for those writers who make Izuku or Naruto remain the same, and knowing that they now have the powers of other characters because they just talked to them MENTALLY and said that they are their reincarnation, and they trained with them MENTALLY, and they already have those powers.

Dude... I feel dumber by the second.

Getting a little calmer now, you can do this. Want to do this in your fanfic?  It does, because there are some writers who did it and they knew a lot about what they were doing.  But if you're going to do this in your story, THEN DO IT RIGHT!  Don't be using this without planning!  And don't just use it to favor the protagonist and fuck the story!

Now if you'll excuse me... I'm going to listen to the God Of War Ragnarok soundtrack because I fell in love!

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