Chapter Two: Tempest

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Irma woke up as the morning sun had started shining through the sheer curtains, which is when she usually wakes up at. Irma yawned and stretched before the looked at the window to see the peaceful beauty surrounding the village.
She opened the window a bit as she felt the morning air being fresh and new. Irma felt renewed and refreshed from her sleep.
Through the open door, she smelled the homey aroma of coffee and breakfast coming from the kitchen. She smiled at the familiarity that she felt in the air and remembered the love that she had all those years ago.
She gotten ready for the day and tied her hair back into an elegant braided side low ponytail. Irma walked downstairs to join Rhiannon with breakfast.
"Morning Rhiannon," said Irma as she sat down in her seat.
"Good morning Irma," Rhiannon said as she brought a tray filled sandwiches, fruit, and drinks to the table. "How did you sleep?"
"I've slept really well." Irma picked up her cup of warm chocolate milk, an egg sandwich, and a bowl of red apple slices from the tray.
"By the way, you've received your first mail this morning," Rhiannon said to Irma after she was done with breakfast.
Once Irma was done getting ready, she found the envelope from her dad that's filled with cash and she put it away in a hidden spot of her room. But she also found an old, but polished and new silver amulet with unique carvings and unfamiliar language. It wasn't long till she had found an ornate knife: it has a sparkling silver blade, laced with pure gold with a golden hilt that had unique carvings on the it and in the sunlight, it looks as if fire is dancing off it. Lastly, there's a old and yet strong book wrapped in brown leather.
Irma found another letter and started reading it, "Dear Irma, I'm sorry for not coming with you to the bus stop. Here's my gift for you in the countryside of Jorvik. There's over five thousand Jorvik Shillings for your start of adventures in the island. The amulet has a protection formula on it and the knife helped protected our family, these two items has been in our family since Jorvik was found. But recently, I've accidentally found a diary and thought maybe you would know what to make of it. Take care of yourself and good luck. Love Graham Stormheart."
"It's gifts from Dad." Irma slipped the knife into her new, engraved scabbard that was given to her by Rhiannon and was buckled onto her belt. She placed the amulet around her neck, but she flinched when a white flash went between her and the amulet.
Irma shook her head in surprise and held the amulet as she wondered, What was that?
"Come on Irma." Rhiannon led Irma outside with a smile. "Lets find you a partner."
Irma followed Rhiannon from the peculiar little house and walked along the steep, rocky path that took them to a grove of trees and down to the meadow where some horses were grazing. Although it was fall, the meadow was full lush greenery and full of beautiful wildflowers; a lovely, peaceful place. Timeless, like it's inhabitants. But below that idyllic meadow, at the cliff's edge.
In the middle of the meadow, surrounded by autumn roses was the most beautiful horse she had ever seen. The mare flicked an ear and looked at her curiously before she slowly started walking towards Irma, much to the teenage girl's surprise. Irma fought off the urge to step back from the wild mare, the mare's gaze seemed to be gleaming with curiosity rather than anger. Her eyes were mild. Dark blue like the stormy sea, much like Irma's eyes. The mare seemed to be studying her, as though she could see straight through her. Irma's wariness evaporated when their eyes met. She felt herself become more calmer and warmer. She seemed to be studying her, as though she could see straight through her. Her fear evaporated when their eyes met. Suddenly, her breathing slowed. She felt calm and comfortable.
Irma gingerly walked up and stood close enough to touch the horse's extended neck. The sunlight shone down on them through a circle of clouds overhead.
The mare's head is elegant and her coat is silvery-gray like the color from thunderclouds, she's the most beautiful horse Irma had ever seen. The mare resembles a mix between an Belgian Warmblood and an English Thoroughbred; in which the mare's muscles danced underneath her coat that showed her hidden strength, but she is sleek and slender for her speed. Her long, wavy light gray mane and tail is streaked in five electric-blue highlights and seems lighter in the sun. The mare has a thin white blaze that resembles lightning and a white sock on her front right leg.
All of Irma could feel was warmth and affection for the horse as she put her head close to her and snorted. Irma let out a soft chuckle and thought to herself that the mare was behaving like a lovable puppy, despite being a horse.
An electric warmth rushed through her. It was like a buzzing electric current, but painless.
Trembling slightly, she continued to pet the mare's warm and soft muzzle. The mare stepped closer and blew air into her face. She smelled of the fields, the beach, and something else she couldn't quite put her finger on.
She soon spoke in a voice that she barely recognized, "You need a name. How about... Tempest?" The mare nickered and nodded as her dark blue eyes gleamed.
I sound like I'm in love, Irma thought. She had never been in love, not really, but judging from what she'd read and seen in movies, she could guess that it was something close to what she was feeling right now.
But it was not infatuation. But it was certainly something. All she knew was that she wanted to be brave enough to ride the mare and go on crazy adventures that they both dreamt of having. It was as if they were the only ones who could both see and feel what freedom feels like. All that remained was Irma and with the inexplicable, electric warmth surrounding them.
Irma raised her right hand in front of her, she closed her eyes and looked away as she felt uncertain of how to befriend one of the most feistiest mares that ever lived. She felt her breath caught in her throat as Tempest leaned into Irma's palm, snorting softly, making Irma looked at the silvery mare in surprise. They both met each other's eyes with open curiosity, Irma somehow knew that they were confirmed as equals.
The two of them both met each other's eyes. Emotions rolled around inside Irma like a whirlwind. She don't know whether to feel joyful or awed or wonder or uncertainty. New feelings like lightning raced between them: newly made trust, curiosity, excitement, and understanding. Behind those dark blue eyes seemed to hide more intelligence than seemed possible for any horse and Tempest's eyes seemed to have the reflection of Irma's soul. Irma was surprised to see that Tempest seemed to be smiling at her with warm eyes. Tempest nickered softly and nodded to Irma, she lowered her head and began to nuzzle her face.
"Good job Irma." She and Tempest turned to see Rhiannon has been watching them bond. "Tempest is very picky when it comes to who rides her."
"Really?" Irma glanced at Tempest, who nickered softly and her blue eyes twinkled at her.
"I want to ask you become Tempest's owner," said Rhiannon warmly. "You can ride her whenever and whenever you want. Tempest wouldn't let anyone else get near her. Till now."
Irma smiled and hugged Tempest before she said to Rhiannon, "Thank you Tempest. Can you tell me more about her?"
"She was just a young mare when the rangers found her separated from a herd of wild horses, beyond the Mountains of Jor in the east," explained Rhiannon. "She probably wouldn't have survived out there much longer. Believe it or not, there were people who actually wanted to harm her ("Like I let them," said Irma protectively and the horse whinnied fiercely as she inched closer to her new rider protectively). They brought her back to the stables, in time, she learned to trust me. But she's still very wild and spirited. As you saw, not many people had managed to get a foot near Tempest — until you arrived. It's amazing."
"Thanks for telling me this." Irma beamed at Tempest as the beautiful mare laid her head onto Irma's right shoulder, while the teenage girl petted Tempest's cheek.
"You're welcome," said Rhiannon. "Why don't you try riding your new mare in the paddock?"
"Lets do it." Irma smiled determinedly and Rhiannon gave her a lead bridle. She smiled as Tempest didn't cause much trouble and let Irma lead her out of the small meadow.
Rhiannon gave some freshly cleaned tack that's been passed down in the family for many years. It wasn't long till Tempest was wearing very unique tack, including a brown Eastern Druid saddle with a druid marking on the side and in the center of the saddle collar is a bright silver pendant that resembles Irma's amulet. There's a brown Eastern Druid bridle with blue stripes. While her riding blanket is bright blue that sparkled like constellations of rainbow-colored stars sewed into the fabric. Rhiannon had also brought Irma her black helmet and brown fingerless riding gloves.
Irma was uncertain about riding again, but her anxiety faded away as Tempest lovingly nuzzled her head against hers. She strapped her fingerless riding gloves and put the helmet onto her head. It has been over five years since she last wore riding gear, but Irma was glad to have it again. She felt nothing, but determined and excited to be horseback riding again.
It was a clear, breezy day, and trees were swaying in the wind. It was a good day to start riding again. Irma glanced up at Tempest, who looked completely calm. Out of the corner of Irma's eye, she could see that Rhiannon was studying the horse too. They went up a trail that leads up to a cliff and walked to see a big, rock-made paddock that's surrounded by some wildflowers. Irma saw some trees standing a little away from the paddock with a campsite and had a white druidic circle with a Soul Riding goblet that has a magical blue flame inside of the goblet.
Irma put her foot in one of the stirrups and flung herself onto the saddle. She slipped her other foot into other stirrup and took hold of the reins. They walked on slowly in a circle inside of the paddock.
After a few minutes, Irma had finally stopped trembling. Tempest trotted forward smoothly and gently, peering up at Irma. If horse can smile, Tempest just did. She smiled back at the mare and felt a gentle touch of tears in her eyes. This time, it was tears of joy and massive pride. She's finally back in the saddle!
After a bit, Tempest trotted for a bit until she finally broke into a smooth, flowing canter. They were flying together, as though they're one in the same. Irma felt the gentle wind rushed through her. She was intensely aware of Tempest's movements underneath her. She felt herself smiling and Tempest let out a loud whinny. While Rhiannon started clapping proudly from outside of the paddock by Nix's side and the stallion whinnied joyfully.
I did it! I'm riding again! Irma smiled as she gently petted Tempest's neck as the mare looked up at Irma proudly and she said to her new partner, "Thank you Tempest." Tempest whinnied and it wasn't long they started galloping. They were soaring together, as though they're one in the same. Irma felt the whooshing of the wind going through her. I'm finally with a partner.

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