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scout sat in the avengers compound at at ing blankly at the wall. her brother was dead and she didn't stop it. she could have. She was too busy protecting that kid clint was holding. she should have protected her brother. if she had gotten to him sooner she could have healed him. but she can heal, not resurge.

there was a knock on her door. "you ok?" steve asked the young girl.

"yeah i'm fine" she replied emotionless. steve raised his eyebrows and slowly walked towards Scout.

"are you sure?" he say on the bed next to the girl.

"it's only been 1 day. she moved on so fast but i can't stop thinking about him." scout said as tears started forming.

steve started to move closer to the girl but she put a shield in the way.

"wanda is so powerful and strong but i can't even move without thinking about him. i can't even say his name." the tears flowed out now.

"wanda can't say his name either." steve told her to make her feel better.

scout broke eye contact with the wall, letting her shield fall down. "but she can train. i don't have the motivation to do anything! he was my motivation. now he's gone and i can't do anything."

with the shield now down, steve reached over and hugged scout. "it's gonna be ok, scout."

"i promise."


it's been 3 years since pietro died but scout still mourned. she was able to do more then she could when he first died.

she now fought for him. she fought for her family. for wanda. for vision. for steve. for sam. thanos attacked but scout protected wakanda with her life.

she had gotten her hand on the love stone. the stone she has had since ultron. it was hidden in a jewelry shop that scout stole from once.

the love stone was in one of scouts shields she kept the ball in her hand so she wouldn't lose it.

"scout think you can run from me?" thanos taunted.

"i think...that my friends can kick your ass" scout said as she ran through the wakandan woods.

she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and she tripped. the shield around the stone broke and she quickly grabbed the stone before she could fall.

"this is going to be easier then i thought." thanos lifted his scythe and started chopping. he slammed the axe down repeatedly over and over and over again.

scout let out one ear piecing shriek that everyone could hear. soon steve and sam were by scouts side. we'll scouts body side. if you could even call the chopped up mess in front of them a body.

thanos grabbed the stone which was now covered in blood. the love stone wasn't necessary. thanos just wanted it. he wanted to be so powerful he couldn't be stopped.

"now the mind stone."


it was dark but there was light. that light was her sisters voice. befire she knew it scoutand her brother, pietro, they're at wanda's door. pietro rang the doorbell and they waited for her to respond.

when wanda opened the door, she just looked at them with her mouth hung wide open.

"long lost siblings get to squeeze their stinkin' sister to death or what?" pietro asked.

"pietro...scout..." she said as she moved in for a hug. after the hug ended there was a small silence.

"whose the popsicle?" pietro asked regarding vision.

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