the halloween spook-tacular

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scout slept on the couch after beating her brother in rock paper scissor. he had to sleep on the floor.

"they even sleep cool!" billy said. this awoke the very tired girl that was previously alseep.

"wake them up!" tommy told billy.

"no!" by now pietro was awake too. scout and pietro had an unspoken agreement to not act like they were awake so they could scare the kids.

"is it because it's 4pm and their asleep and your secretly afraid that their vampires!" tommy accused.

the boys were fighting so scout slowly slithered her hand down so pietro could grab it.

after the boys kept fighting pietro grabbed scouts hand and super sped over to tommy and billy.

"BLOOD IS THICKER THEN WATER I SHOW YOU" scout yelled out the boys as pietro helped her speed around the kids.

after they stopped pietro faked stabbed them as scout collapsed onto the ground in a dramatic manner.

"somebody better be bleeding, broken, or on fire" wanda said as she came downstairs in her halloween costume.

"wow mom are you old red riding hood?" billy asked. this made scout and pietro laugh but they quickly stopped at wanda's glare.

"i'm a sokovian fortune teller" she said as she mimicked a crystal ball.

"wow sis those are worse then the costumes mom made the year we caught typhus!" pietro commented.

the three of them seemed to have a shared memory of recieving a single fish to share between the three of them.

"well that's not how i remember it." wanda said

scout jumped into the conversation now. "you probably suppressed a lot of the trauma." pietro nodded in agreement.

scout felt a tug on her hoodie sleeve. she looked down to see tommy asking if she would play video games with him and billy. she tugged on pietros sleeve so he could go play with them.

after a round pietro got a drink and a pocket knife out to do his favorite party trick with the kids. scout rolled her eye and moved up to the couch as pietro taught the boys his trick.

after vision left scout and pietro snuck up behind wanda and scared her. "don't do that!"

scout laughed before asking where she kept her water balloons.

"we don't have water balloons." wanda stated

pietro looked slightly disappointed. "then where are we supposed to put all this shaving cream?" he held up two cans of shaving cream.

wanda gave the two a shocked look. scout quickly put the blame on one of wanda's kids

"it was billy's idea" she said pointing to tommy.

"i'm tommy"

"and don't you forget it!" pietro yelled.

wanda looked at the three maximoffs. "well you guys don't even have a costume!"

scout grabbed tommy's hand and then grabbed pietros as he rushed out and got all their costumes.

scout wore a pale yellow version of pietros costume with a heart instead of a lightning bolt plastered on the shirt.

"ok just remember that we a respectable family!" wanda reminded them scout and pietro have been getting this lecture forever.

"any funny business and i will magic you into a pickled herring!" wanda reprimanded. pietro and scout looked at eachother with a disgusted look as they dropped each others hand.

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