Chapter One

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At the old mansion, 19-year old Leah O'Brien the Pink Psycho Ranger is sitting on the Empress chair as Psycho Silver showed up. 

" At your service my lady." Psycho Silver said.

" Psycho Silver. What is the recent report?" Leah O'Brien asked.

" There was a report about Goldar Imperium is attacking the city." Psycho Silver said. 

" That is exactly what I wanted to hear." Leah O'Brien said. " Goldar Imperium is an upgraded version of Goldar."

Then, Devon Daniels the Beast Morpher Red showed up.

" You might use my help." Devon Daniels said.

" Commander Devon Daniels." Leah O'Brien said. " It's an honor to meet you, but you need to contact Jason Lee Scott, Goldar Imperium appeared out of nowhere and attacked the city.'

" First, Goldar Maximus and now Goldar Imperium." Devon Daniels said. " It looks like this must be a new upgraded version of Goldar."

" Goldar poses serious threat to the Morphin Grid." Leah O'Brien said.

" Well then, I'll contact Jason as soon as possible."  Devon Daniels said.

Later, Jason, Devon and the two morphed Psychos were arrived in the city plaza and confronts  Goldar Imperium.

" That is Goldar Imperium." Psycho Silver said.

" There's no mistake. That is Goldar Imperium." Psycho Pink said.

" So you're Goldar Imperium, the new upgraded version of the old Goldar."  Jason Lee Scott said.

" I'm different that the one in the past." Goldar Imperium said as he brought an army of puddies and cogs. " Meet my army."

" Army? Very funny, that is not an army." Jason Lee Scott said.

Then, the other Mighty Morphin Rangers showed up.

" Sorry we're late Jason." Zack Taylor said.

" It looks like this old Goldar needs to be sent back to his abyss." Trini Kwan said.

" Let's get them." Billy Cranston said.

Now the Mighty Morphin Rangers were about to morphed.

" It's Morphin Time: Tyrannosaurus!" Jason Lee Scott said. 

Jason morphed into Mighty Morphin Red Ranger.

" Sabertooth Tiger!"  Trini Kwan said.

Trini morphed into Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger.

" Mastodon!" Zack Taylor said.

Zack morphed into Mighty Morphin Black Ranger.

" Pterodactyl!" Kimberly Hart said.

Kimberly morphed into Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger.

" Triceratops!"  Billy Cranston said.

Billy morphed into Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger.

" It's Morphin Time: Activate Beast Mode!" Devon Daniels said.

Devon morphed into Beast Morpher Red Ranger

Now Goldar Imperium and his army of puddies and cogs were charging towards the eight rangers.

" Everyone charge!" Psycho Pink said. " Once a ranger, always a ranger!"

Leah and the orher seven rangers were started fighting Goldar Imperium and his army of puddies and cog. Kimberly summoned her Power Bow while Leah summoned her Psycho Pink and jumped into the air.

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