DahMo - By Your Side

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This is an adaptation of a fanfic by DarthMittens from portkey-archive.org


Kim Dahyun ran her hand through her raven-black hair in agitation as she sped down the street, taking a turn dangerously fast. Momo had called her crying, asking for a ride home. 

She weaved through traffic, her eyes burning, her foot not wavering on the gas. She hit the brakes as she reached the club, coming to a stop at the curb in front of the entrance. Dahyun didn't look at Momo as she got in, then sped off as soon as the door was closed. Momo was sniffling, wiping her eyes with her arms.

"Clean your fucking face, Momo-unnie," Dahyun said agitatedly. "You're getting your mascara everywhere."

"Thanks," Momo said miserably, pulling out a used, rumpled napkin from her bag to swipe at the smudged mascara on her eyes and cheeks.

They rode in silence after that, Momo still taking shaky breaths. Dahyun knew Momo wanted her to ask what had happened. She always wanted Dahyun to ask what had happened.

This phase of Momo's life had started the day after TWICE had disbanded. She was free from the regular schedule of choreography practices, photoshoots, comeback preparations, stage performances, and everything that had to do with being an idol, now only having the obligation to do whatever she wanted. It was a sad day when it happened but Jeongyeon had the bright idea to go to a club together as a group for one last time.

Big mistake.

That was four years ago and Momo still enjoyed going out and partying and getting drunk every night. Dahyun didn't want to know what happened to her on the nights Momo didn't call her or come home. She figured Momo went out and partied every night because she had been freed from such a time-consuming career that had lasted so long but she hoped that this phase was going to end any day now.

Because she had a bit of a predicament.

The thing was, she had been in love with her since about their fifth year as TWICE. Why else would she have picked Momo up at three in the morning, just a few hours before she had to leave for work (she'd become a popular television personality under the tutelage of Yoo Jae Suk after they disbanded)? 

Momo had went back to Japan for two years to open a dance studio with her older sister but when she came back for breaks and when she finally came back for good, it was like she had never been gone. The only thing was, shortly after coming back home she had become a completely different person. Night after night it was party this, party that, and she was with a different guy every month. The only positive thing Dahyun could think of was that Momo had always vowed to remain abstinent until marriage. And every time her fling of the month broke her heart, she would come to Dahyun and cry on her shoulder. And she was there for Momo every time. Dahyun ferried her to and from places when she was too drunk to operate, and she lent Momo some money here and there, and she would help her pick out new clothes to wear for when she went clubbing and on dates.

It sucked to be in love with her. It was like she was being used, and it hurt.

This had been going on for two whole years now, and Dahyun was reaching her limits.

The two of them remained completely silent the entire car ride, Momo sniffling louder and louder as they got closer to their shared apartment. That was another thing, too, she had just become way to girly for Dahyun's liking. Don't misunderstand, she had always appreciated the fact that she was a woman, but she had been a strong, independent, ferocious woman that had prided herself in being that way. She had no idea what had happened to the Momo she knew.

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