2 // band practice w/abigail, sam + sebastian (sam x y/n) ❀

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"Okay, guys, everybody ready?" Sam asked, eagerly clutching his electric guitar. When Abigail and Sebastian nodded, he held up his fingers and counted down. "Okay! One, two, three, four-" 

Without warning, Sam started intensely strumming on his guitar. Jarring music notes began to fill the air, and the trio started bopping their heads along to the song, though Sebastian kept a pretty straight and mellow face as he played the keyboard. Abigail smiled, her cheeks turning rosy as she banged on the drums. She told me that she loved crashing the cymbals the most -- it helped with her pent up rage. 

Sam was totally feeling the music. He jolted his head back, closed his eyes, and threw himself onto the floor, gliding across the linoleum as the music played. He was playing like nobody was watching! 

I now decided to reveal myself from behind the door where I was standing. I knew that Sam would be at rehearsal for his band -- The Pelicans -- in the Community Center. It was Thursday, after all, and Sam had told me last week that I should stop by during one of his rehearsals. "Bravo," I said, slowly clapping my hands as I stepped fully into the room. 

Sam turned pink. He whipped his head around and immediately stood up, slinging his guitar over his shoulder. "Jeez! Uh, hi, y/n," he said, flustered. "I, uh, didn't know that you were standing there-" 

"Yeah, I heard you guys play," I said smugly, crossing my arms across my chest. "You guys are really good. You got any gigs lately?" 

"Well, uh-" 

"Mayor Lewis has us play at the Luau," Abigail interrupted. "I mean, he doesn't really pay well, but it's something...oh! Did I ever tell you about the time that Sam got a gig on the Happy Junimo Sho-"

"We have other gigs too!" Sam piped up. 

"You must," I said. "That music was amazing." 

"You really liked it?" Sam broke out into a smile and a warm blush crept across his cheeks. 

I inched closer, noticing Sam turn even redder. "I loved it. What's it called?" 

"Xenon chip 3.0," Sebastian answered without even looking at me. 

"Nice," I nodded. "Experimental noise rock is my favourite! I remember telling you that, Sam..." 

He smiled. "Oh, yeah. You know, this whole band wouldn't have gotten together if it wasn't for you, actually. That day in my room when I asked you what music you liked -- that was the day we started our band!" 

"Yeah, and I'm so glad you didn't pick country music, y/n..." Abigail lolled. "I don't think I would have been able to handle being all country-bumpkin..." 

"I can't believe you remembered," I smiled. 

"Anyway," Sam said, "I'm kinda glad you showed up today. We actually just got a gig in Zuzu City!" 

"No way!" 

"Yeah, it's kind of a big deal," His hand dipped into the pocket of his jeans and he pulled out a small slip of paper. "I uh, got you a ticket in case you want to come. It's on Saturday. I hope you don't mind. If you're busy, or whatever, it's totally okay, but, uh --"

"I'll go...on one condition." 


"We go on a date after your gig," I said, the corners of my mouth turning up ever-so-slightly. It was hard to keep myself from laughing as I saw Sam's face change -- his eyes widened, his mouth becoming slowly agape. He broke out into a smile, chuckling as he rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Yeah, sure, y/n. I'd...actually love that."

Taking the ticket out of Sam's hand, I winked and went out the door. As I walked outside, I heard him whisper, "Best. Day. Ever!" 

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