𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧.

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Another smut chapter for all you little sinners ;)


The coffee machine made a loud grinding sound as it prepared to create your morning beverage and put you in a better mood. It had been a solid two weeks since Damien set foot in the hotel and his attempts at wooing you had eventually faltered, mostly because of what Alastor had said about the contract being gone. That didn't mean he had completely stopped though. It wasn't unusual that you found yourself rather close to him, either in the same room or his hand sometimes giving your ass a light squeeze.

In all honesty, it was anything but ideal.

Alastor was always defensive when he saw you near him (or more him near you), but it was rare Damien was without his gun. Only at night when he left his room to get a coffee or something. The man never slept, which you found odd. Only Alastor lacked the feeling of fatigue, but suppose other demons could have the same issue as well.

At the current moment, you had woken up about two hours prior, Gabriel unfortunately having left with Charlie and Vaggie and Angel for another promotion event, and Alastor had dismissed himself about fifteen minutes ago to start his broadcast. Husk wasn't awake yet and Niffty was cleaning, which wasn't unusual. That left just you and Damien in the kitchen, the reptile silently reading the paper at the dining table. The hate you felt for that man was unfathomable. How you wished he would just leave you alone. He was insanely persistent and at some point it was going to push you over the edge.

Sometimes, on very few occasions, the two of you could maintain a casual conversation without any sexual remarks from his end or hungry looks. Yet that was somewhat of a rarity to stumble upon.

"(Y/n), come have a seat," he called to you just as the coffee maker's shrieking grinding came to a stop, the warm liquids pouring into your mug. Another coffee cup was set beneath it after you had taken yours out and leisurely sipped the foam off the top, setting the option to black and allowing it to run. Alastor would probably thank you if you went upstairs and dropped him off a small coffee for his morning broadcast.

Soundlessly, you sat across from Damien, clearly uninterested in what he had to say, though you still gestured for him to spit it out. "You know, I've been thinking...hypothesizing about things no other demon has even come close to understanding. Like how to crawl back out of here," he cooed, eyes narrowing and teeth clicking together with each word he spoke from the lack of flesh around the end of his long maw. Your brow raised, coffee being raised to your lips. You giggled.

"Uh-huh, well if you're so smart, you must have found a way out of this shit hole for yourself, hm?" you mocked. The warm liquid that was your coffee slid down your throat with ease, warming your belly and letting your heavy wings to loosen a little. Damien entwined his fingers in front of himself, smirking.

"Ah, but, my dear, little (Y/n), don't you see? The way out is through the entrance. It's time to put a stop to all of this." The man pointed a clawed index finger to the brightly glowing pentagram out the window, its red light filtering through the window so you could both see. "It's time we escape this twisted game."

Your brow lifted, eyes narrowed. Damien took that as his cue and continued. "In this plain of existence, the number of alcoholics and sex addicts surmounts to more than the whole world population above us! It's a polluted existence that even I find appalling. There's no other way to stop this than to leave. To wipe this vicious nightmare clear from our brains!" he exclaimed and slammed his fist down against the hard surface of the table, the spoon that was in his empty coffee cup clittering against the inside of the object.

• 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲'𝐬 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 • Alastor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now