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Chapter 1: 



Cool wind brushed my face, it felt nice given it was mid-June. I grabbed the last box from the U-Haul, I was glad Mom and Hop had decided to move back to Hawkins, but I really hate moving. Our new house was really pretty, I think it was Victorian. It was huge, it was almost a mansion, I don't have much to thank the government for, but this house was so perfect. I looked around already seeing so many things to paint. I walked into the house to the stairs, I picked the room on the top of the house, it was pretty much an attic, but it had this lovely circular wall that was just a giant window. The room was huge I just looked at it, figuring out what I can put where and-

"Woah, I see why you chose this room" El said startling me.

She continued, "I still cannot believe that the government gave us this house as a thanks for saving Hawkins!"

She sounded like a scripted advertisement. I knew the truth; this house was to shut us up and keep us happy after all the shit that they put us through. But El loved it, so I think I do too. "I know, it's just so..."

"Perfect" we simultaneously agreed, we've been doing that lately.

"You excited to decorate?" I asked.

"Of course,"


We spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking and setting up our rooms, until mom called us all for dinner. The dining room was currently a table, just that, no chairs, no anything.

Mom started the conversation saying "I ordered some Pizza because of how hard all of us have been working today." We all agreed and took some slices. "How are everyone's rooms coming?" mom said wanting to make small talk.

"Mine and Will's are looking very good. We have set up our beds!" El said happily. "We got sidetracked, and haven't set up too much though" I trailed off. El. was the kind of person you could get lost with for hours. I don't have to be someone else around her, I can be me, and me is okay for her. We are both very childish I think, so when we hangout it's like we are eight again and everything is fun. I'm not hiding, I'm fully me, and she doesn't care. 

"I set up all of my room" Jonathan said gloomily. Something has been bothering him.

"That quickly" Hop asked skeptically.

"It's not like I had that much shit to unpack" Jonathan mumbled.

"JONATHAN!" Mom interjected "What's gotten into you?" She sounded genially concerned.

"Nothing mom, I'm just tired. I'm going to go to bed" He stood up and went to his room.

"Any plans for tomorrow:" Asked Hop trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah" I answered excitedly "The party is having a huge D&D campaign, I'm so excited!" I can't wait to see everyone; it's been way too long since we played some good old D&D" This was something I was genuinely happy about. It has gotten rarer and rarer that I am genuinely happy about things. But this, I am internally jumping for joy.


My bed is soft and welcoming. It is a facade for what comes with it. Sleep. I hate sleep, I dread it. Every night I'm taken to my hell, I wake up cold and sweating. I tell myself tonight will be different. But I know it's not. I'm a liar.

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