The Beginning

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Megumi POV
I stood in a ready stance, with my hands in front of me, summoning my divine dogs. Rushing at the figure in front of me, I whistled to command my familiars to attack the man. This man was Ryomen Sukuna, the king of curses.. he had taken over my boyfriends body and I intended to get him back. I heard a dark chuckle as Ryomen Sukuna stood behind me. I whipped my head around in shock. How did he get there?! I should have known not to under estimate the King of Curses. Sukuna smirked at me
" Your potential is overflowing my dear Me~Gu~Mi"
He said my name with a certain lust, emphasizing each syllable.I backed away revolted, but felt a fist punch me in my gut. Flying back, I fell onto my back, groaning in pain. I closed my eyes, ready to pass out, when I felt movement above me. I gently opened my eyes and saw Sukuna smirking at me. He stared at me for a moment before picking me up bridal style.
" HEY!— " I shouted, squirming and thrashing to try and escape. He simply clicked his tongue and started To walk away from the rondevue place that I promised Nobara and Itadori to meet at. I attempted to punch Sukuna in the face but he grabbed my hand with his teeth, biting down, grinning at me all the same. I shuddered when he slithered his tongue along the back of my hand, planting a firm kiss on my knuckles. My face went red with embarrassment and I slapped him across the face.
" Thats no way to treat a king.. my dear Me~Gu~Mi..~" he snarled in my ear, biting down on it. I cried out in pain, and he laughed maliciously.
" Oh.. I'll have much fun with you dear.." he whispered in my ear, eyeing me up and down.
I shuddered at the thought, absolutely revolted.
I twisted suddenly, surprising him so he let me drop the the ground. Prepared for this, I immediately bolted to the forest, heading back to where I was supposed to meet Nobara. I heard evil laughter behind me, and the crushing of leaves as he stalked me through the forest. Running around a tree, I bolted back in the direction I had come from, hoping to loose him. Why the hell was he chasing me?!? Calling me 'dear'... it was almost like..- a chill went down my spine as a hand reached out and grabbed my wrist. I choked out a surprised noise when he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in.
"Me~Gu~Mi..~" I heard him whisper.
I jumped, only the feel somthing hard against my ass. My face went bright red as I tried to move away from him. What the hell was he planning to do?!?
Sukuna POV
I felt my dear Megumi squirming beneath my touch, it was absolutely amazing.. the brat Itadori was screaming in my head to let him back in control. Like I would ever do that now.. the brat was trying to steal Megumi away from me. I wouldn't let that happen... this little mortal is mine... all I know was that when I saw that curved body and tight ass.. that overflowing power.... god it turned me on.. I would claim Megumi as mine.
Deep in thought, I was snapped back to reality when I heard sharp moans beneath me. I didn't even realize I was grinding on him until now. Smirking, listening to his panting. He was like a damn dog... the perfect pet for me.. I snapped my fingers and we were transported to my domain. I lifted the raven haired boy into my arms and sat on my mighty throne. Setting him down on my lap, I felt him thrashing to get away from me. This only aroused me even more..~
" Let me go you sick fuck!" He yelled at me
I smirked at his comment..
" the only fuck here is the fuck I will do to you.. Me~Gu—" I whispered
As soon as he heard this, he jumped out of my grasp before I could tighten my hold on him. I grumbled in frustration as he started running in the opposite direction to me, seeing the shock on his face as he ran directly back to where I was.
" it's just a loop you know..~" I said loudly, looking at him at the bottom of the stack of skulls leading to my throne.
" I can see that, Dipshit! He yelled at me, obviously upset
I let out a deep breath, sighing as I walked down to where he was
" I want to make a deal.. my dear " I said calmly, looking him up and down
" and why would I do that with someone like
YOU " he muttered angrily.
"Because I promise to not hurt the brat Itadori.. " I whispered in his ear
That's the end of this chapter! More coming soon :)

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