The Deal

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Megumi POV
" what.. do you want in return... "  I mumbled, looking down at the ground. This was the only way to get Itadori back safely. I would do anything to get him back. After all, I love him..
Sukuna chuckled while looking down at me, he was easily around a foot or more taller than me. He suddenly grabbed my wrist and dragged me back up to the top of the pile of animal and human skulls , and sat me down on his throne. I was almost completely in his lap seeing that the throne was made for one person.
" Let go of me Dipshit! " I cursed at him, angrily trying to get up
He held onto my wrist. Pulling me back to sit down. I mumbled curses under my breath at the inhumane way he was treating me. I'm not a damn toy!
" Well...?!? " I said sharply to him, wanting this to be over already..
He looked me up and down
" In return for letting your precious Itadori back... "
He began, running his hand along my leg , causing me to tense up and jerk back suddenly, only causing him the chuckle and hold me tighter
" I want to fight you..~"'he whispered in my ear
I eyed him back, completely  shocked, but then he continued..
" If you win... I'll leave you alone and  you get that damn brat back.. "
I gulped, asking the question I dreaded the most
" And if I loose...? " I muttered, not wanting to hear what he had to say next..
" Then your mine... " he said calmly, looking for a reaction in my face and grinned at what he saw
My face darkened, obviously this pissed me the hell off and he KNEW it. What the hell did he mean by that?! I'm His?! It didn't make any sense. But I needed to save Itadori.
" You have yourself a deal.. damn bitch.. "
I muttered under my breath the last two words. He could obviously hear them, but chose not the respond.
He suddenly got up, throwing me down the pile of skulls into the murky red waters below. I fell into my back winded, and tried to stand up  when I saw his shadow looming over me
" And where are you going.. Me~Gu~Mi...~"
He watched with a smirk as I ran away from, turning around only to see he was gone. I stopped , looking around in shock. I felt a searing pain in my chest when I looked down and saw a hand through it. And in that hand... was a heart..
I collapsed on the ground only to realize that it was my own heart in Sukunas hand. He chuckled again, kneeling down to my level as I lay in the red water, soaked in it.
" Looks like I win.."
Those were the last words I heard, and then the sensation of death awaited me.
Sukuna POV
I looked down at the raven haired boy in my domain. Well, that was easy enough. Snapping my fingers, we were transported back to my throne where I put him directly on my lap. His wound was already healing well, seeing that he was in my domain. His eyes slightly opened after a few minutes, and he groaned in pain. I couldn't help but grin at the sight of the boy the damn brat was sooooo~ obsessed with sitting with ME instead of him.. it made me feel all the more powerful. I wrapped my arms around him and forced him to lean into my chest. My dear Megumi ~ Chan was absolutely revolted by this action.. I can see it in his eyes..
I smirked down at him, and he looked away sullenly. Then I realized... I had won... that meant that he was giving into me...~
Looking out on the sea of red water , I relaxed. I watched as a figure formed in the  darkness, running towards us.
" Megumi!!" The damn brat shouted.. GREAT... it was Itadori...
Megumi looked out and saw the brat and smiled softly.. ehhh?!?
" Oi! " I yelled " why don't you smile like that to me?!"
Megumi looked back at me and stuck out his pretty little tongue. Ohh~ how I wanted that tongue so badly... he didn't even know what was going to happen...
I watched as Itadori ran and tripped over some skulls to try and reach us. I yawned as he attempted to punch me.. such a weak brat.
I watched surprised as Megumi stood up shakily, and stood infront of me. Oh?~ what is going on here...?
" Yujji-Kun... stop-" he said softly. " I lost... I made a deal with him and I lost.. so you can't hurt him.. "
I grinned madly at my precious Megumi... he was defending me! I laughed out loud glaring at the brat who was trying to steal him.
" Hear that Brat?.... He is with me now..." I chuckled, pulling Megumi back into my lap. Sitting on my lap, Megumi squirmed, only causing me to be more aroused. I shifted slightly, causing Megumi to shiver. Feeling this I got very.. excited. Oh~ what to do to my dear Megumi right infront of the Boy he cares so deeply about..
I slowly moved my hips back and forth , causing the raven haired boy to struggle to get out of my grasp...
" Not yet.. my dear.."
Itadori POV
I watched in horror as Sukuna grinded against Megumi, forcing him to sit on his lap. He looked over Megumis shoulders, smirking at me, showing that he had won. I would never accept this! Megumi is my damn boyfriend! I lunged forward, ready to grab Sukuna by the throat, when he and Megumi disappeared into thin air..
I heard a laugh behind me and saw Sukuna possessivly running his hand down Megumis back, as the poor boy stood their shocked and numb. I could tell by his eyes he did not want this and that only caused my anger to rise even further.
" GET THE HELL OFF OF HIM!! " I roared,
Trying to intimidate Sukuna.
He simply looked back at my, and laughed .
" Oh?~ " he began " But the fun is just beginning... "
That's the end for this section!! :)

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