March 2nd 2002

113 1 1

Oh god where do i ever start from... i remember it like it was yesterday, it was a beautiful day, the sky was bright blue without a cloud in sight and james's paint sparkled in the sunlight.

However something wasnt right...

Spencer had just gone missing, didnt go anywhere, just vanished, with no trace, but things got even stranger, we were about to leave vicarstown when we heard what we thought as a scream coming from the yard, we were pretty shocked and confused, however we werent able to get into the yard, beacuse pete AKA class 40 blocked us with some trucks, we asked him what was happening, but he didnt even reply. We left vicarstown very confused, we didnt even see what was back there, what class 40 didnt want us to see.

However we werent prepared for tommorow...

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