Chapter 22

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These past three years have being amazing. Me and Bella have being on our own, traveling around the world seeing everything there is to see including the Sydney Opera house, Great wall of China, Stonehenge, London Eye and plenty more.

Today were going back to the family in Forks, we've had no contact with them since our wedding night. I know Bella's missed Rose, Emmett and Rylie – she's never being away from them before, but it's being nice being just two of us.

We even visited Peter and Char when we were in Texas. We met a few vampires aswel as an hybrid; half vampire half human, while traveling and they've all become good friends. When we met Nahuel, we were completely shocked; we'd never heard anything like it before. We met him in South America; he told us he was roughly 150 years old. Apparently he's never bothered with the time or date, he just lives life. He told us all about hybrids and I wouldn't like Bella to go through that.

I am a bit upset that we didn't know about this when she was human because we could have had a child of our own, but on the other hand I'm relieved we didn't know because I would hate for Bella – my beautiful mate to go through that, especially when she could have died. Not something I would wish upon anyone especially my mate.

We decided to keep this information to ourselves because no-one knows about hybrids except Nahuel and his sisters wherever they are. His 'father' was going around impregnating human women and then left them. As soon as Nahuel found out what he was doing he destroyed him. He's done a good job of staying away from the Volturi and he wanted to keep it that way, but after we told him that the Volturi was no more he was completely happy and thanked us both over and over again.

 "Will they still be in Forks?" My sweet Bella asked me on the plane on the way home. "I'm sure they would be, they said they weren't leaving until we arrived home" I told her, putting my arm around her shoulder.

"You're going to get your ass kicked from daddy" Bella laughed at me, and I knew she was telling the truth, he warned me not to keep her away for too long. "I'll deal with him, but we had to have alone time" I waggled my eyebrows at her. "You goof-ball" I laughed at her.

"It's going to be strange being around them all again" I nodded, completely agreeing with her. "We can always sneak away for a couple of hours or take weekend trips away, but I have a funny feeling Rylie, your mum and dad won't let you out of their site for a while" She got that sexy smile on her face, that I love.

"I can always put my shield up, to keep them away" I laughed at her; she was totally Emmett's daughter, especially when she waggles her eyebrows. God I loved my wife. "Well Mrs Whitlock, you are smart and sexy" She laughed at me. "Of course I am" See, like I said I love my wife, she's amazing.

It didn't take us long to land in Seattle, but because we didn't have a car and we didn't want to let the family know we were coming home we had to go and rent a car and Bella being Bella wanted a fast car, so what did she end up with? Mercedes Benz SL500. After putting our luggage away, we were on our way back to Forks.

It didn't take as long as it would do if we were human, but as soon as we drove down the drive-way we heard gasps coming from the house because Bella had her shield wrapped around us both so Alice wouldn't know we were coming home and she cut our scent off, so there probably freaking out as to who it could be.

Before me and Bella could even get out of the car we were both out of the car and pinned to the floor, me by Edward and Carlisle and Bella by Emmett and Rose. "What a welcome home" Bella laughed.

"Bella?" I heard Emmett whisper. "Hi daddy, you missed me?" Bella laughed. "Guys Bella and Jasper are home" Within seconds I was back up on my feet and next to Bella just as the rest of the family was barging out of the house and came charging towards us, before I could even think we were squashed between everyone.

"Oh Bella, you have to tell me everything, like what the hell have you being doing for the past three years. Oh there's so much I need to tell you, I'm engaged, can you believe it, but I had to wait for when you came home, I couldn't let my maid of honour miss it" Can you guess who was rambling? Alice.

"Woah, Aunt Alice Calm down" Everyone laughed. "Move, so I can get to my sis" Rylie snapped at everyone. He had her in a bear hug spinning her around. "Your home, I told you they would come back" Rylie shouted.

"Are you going to let us come in, or are we barred?" I asked them. "You" Emmett growled. Oh shit. "You kept my princess away from me for three years. Three whole years" Emmett growled at me.

"Oh shut up Emmett, there home now" Rose slapped him in the back of his head. "Ow woman" Bella laughed. "Defiantly missed being home" Bella laughed.

We finally enter the house after another five minutes of hugs. "So what did you do?" Rose asked us as soon as we sat down. "Travelled the world, seen everything there is to see, done everything" Bella told them, cuddling up against me. "Wow" Everyone whispered. "I think your missing something Bella" Alice laughed. "what?" Alice raised her eyebrow. "You might have dropped your shield when you was on the plane somewhere" Mine and Bella's jaws dropped. Fuck, Alice didn't need to see that. "What?" Emmett asked. "Bella and Jasper joined the Mile-High club" Alice laughed out, fuck no one needed to know that shit, I just hope she didn't see everything else on that plane ride.

Nothing was going the way we wanted it, especially with her next words. "It wasn't only in the bathroom though was it Bella?" we both groaned. "Oh fuck"

"What the hell do you mean?" Emmett growled. "They nearly made the plane loose control" Oh shit.

"Shut up Aunt Alice" Bella hissed. "No I want to know what she's going on about" Emmett demanded. Bella hid her head in my side while I hid mine behind her hair, there was no way we was getting out of this shit.

"After coming out of the bathroom, they got a little extravagant. Put it this way Bella's shield was down and Jasper projected to everyone on the plane and I mean everyone" Alice laughed while everyone looked at us with their jaws hanging. "Holy shit" Edward whispered, one of the first to find his voice.

For the rest of the night we all catched up, by the sounds of it we have a lot of weddings to attend to because they all wanted to wait until we arrived home. Let's just hope that they all have them around the same time to get them all out of the way, especially Alice's, god knows what sort of wedding she'll be having. Knowing her it'll be a big 'princess' wedding.

Edward has figured out how to 'turn off' his gift so he doesn't have to listen to others thoughts all the time. Sophia's apologised for her behaviour three years ago. Apparently Emmett and Rose sat down with her one night and explained why they treated Bella the way they did, we didn't ask for any information on that because we didn't want to know. Bella knew there was a reason but she didn't ask about it because it was between her parents.

Been away for the past three years has been good for all of us because no one depends on me and Bella so much anymore and everyone's happy and content. I couldn't ask for a better eternity with my wife and family.

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