Chapter 8

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We jumped into Bella’s Audi R8 and sped off to school. Of course Bella insisted I drive.

“Don’t forget princess you got to call us Emmett and Rose” Emmett told Bella when we arrived at school. “What if I forget and slip up?” Of course Bella would be worried. It’s her first time going back to school since her change. “You won’t” Rose told her while giving her a smile.

I do feel for Rose and Emmett, unlike me they can’t go around and act like their Bella’s parents. Where as I can go round and be somewhat normal with her.

I went to classes with Rose and Emmett, but I couldn’t stop thinking about what Alice said. What’s going to change?

I must have been zoned out because before I know it I were walking to the dinner hall ready to meet up with my beautiful mate. “You ok?” Bella asked me. I nodded but I could tell she knew I were lying. We were sat at the table for ten minutes before Alice walked in. She sat down next to Edward, before anyone could say anything Emmett were the first one to say anything. “I want to know right the fuck now, what you meant this morning about everything changing” Alice nodded knowing she wasn’t going to win this one. “All I know is there will be a fight. Bella and Jasper will be the ones to save us. There mating bond is a lot stronger than anyone else’s, nobody can come between them no matter what they try. I don’t know who the fight will be with. All I know is it’s in a couple of years. I know we won’t be in New Hampshire” Emmett nodded happy with her answer, he turned his head towards Bella with nothing but worry in his eyes.

The rest of the day went on fine, except me in my own little world, I was that out of it I walked in to Bella when I were coming out of the classroom. “Whoa! You alright?” Bella asked me, completely worried. “I’m fine darlin, just thinking about everything Alice told us. I don’t like the thought of you fighting” I mumbled in to her hair as we walked to her car. “We’ll be fine. We can get anything life throws at us, as long as we have each other” I smiled at her, she always knew the right thing to say to me. “I think it’s best if I drive” Bella told me taking her keys out of my pocket. I wasn’t going to argue with her, I knew she were right, and it were her car after all. “Have I told you how much I love you lately?” I asked Bella, the smile I were rewarded with were breath-taking. “I love you too” I grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles. God I love this woman.

Before I knew it we were back at home, everyone were doing their own things. Me and Bella went up to our room and watched some films, and spend some quality time with each other. “Tell me what you’re thinking about” Bella asked me bringing me out of my thoughts.

“How much I love you. What I would do if I ever lost you. How much I hate the thought of you fighting and me loosing you, or you loosing me because I wouldn’t want you to go through the pain of losing your mate, especially when I know I couldn’t got through that so I wouldn’t want you to go through it. I hate that all this is disturbing our eternity.” Bella smiled and nodded at me. “I love you too. We’re not going to lose each other, you go I go. So stop thinking about losing me and be here with me. Just me and you. Our eternity. We cant be sitting around waiting till the bomb drops, we need to carry on living” I smiled at her she were right. I need to be here with Bella and not in my own little world. I pulled her closer to me, I need to hold her, to know she were there, that she wasn’t going anywhere. I needed to love her, care for her. Be anything, do anything she wants and needs. She’s my whole world if she went, I couldn’t live any longer, I’d get my revenge then walk in to the pyre. I will not let any harm come to her, in any way shape or form 

“I love you” I told her before watching Bad Teacher with Bella. When the time comes I will make sure Bella is ready for this fight so I don’t have to worry about her so much, but right now I’m going to enjoy living with my mate. Well as living ad I can be for a vampire.

A/N - I know it's a short chapter, im sorry, but I've been very busy these past couple of days. I should be back to updating regularey in a couple of weeks. Sorry.

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