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unread messages from:

calfreezy (5)
hey wtf happened with you and...

talia (3)
are you ok? do you want...

tobi (2)
twitter is going insane we'll fix...

callux (3)

zerkaa (7)
you alright? freya showed me...

ksi (4)
yo are you ok text me when you...



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yo are you ok text me when you
can. saw what's happening

i officially hate the internet
cannot just mind their own business
for once and it fucks everything up.
wait i take it back i only like the internet
because of deliveroo. hate everything else.

wtf was twitter even on about
everyone is tagging you and
there's been a bunch of hate

some account got a picture of me and tobi
the other day walking through london. people
were saying that me and him are dating and
in reality i was just helping him find a birthday
gift for his nephew bc he asked because i have
little siblings and he didn't know what to get

twitter is so stupid

what happened with harry

don't get me started
i don't even know jj

he unfollowed you on everything

i know


for having knowledge in your name you
ask pretty fucking dumb questions
if i knew i'd be fixing it

have you tried talking
to him at all?

he hasn't answered anything
since we got in that argument

wait hold up WHAT
you guys got in an argument?
fam what happened?

the picture with tobi. he saw it and got all
up in my business asking if we were together.
i got pissed at him bc it was the first time he'd
talked to me in weeks and it was bc he believed
something he saw on twitter. we went back and
forth and i said something about his girlfriend
and then he just stopped answering. whatever.

what'd you say?

i said i don't even know her name.

are you guys going to be OK?
you never fight with each other.
not this bad at least. wtf

listen, i've got a shoot planned
that i need to get to so ill talk later

ok let me know if you need
anything. i hope you and harry
are going to be ok

me too.

me too

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