How did this happen?!

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I wanted to say this before going on with the story............ WE GOT 134 FREAKING READS NO JOKE!!!!!!!! I am freaking out right now! Thank you all so much for the reads and everything and i'm sorry for not updating like i should. I will work on it. Now on with the story! (i'm making this a long one

------------------------------------------------ Lauren POV,

"I just met the flippin' Winchesters!" I couldn't believe it! I thought they weren't real, it's just a TV show for heavens sake! 'Wait, If they are real that means Cas is real too.' I broke into my happy dance. Castiel is my favorite character. 'But if the Winchesters are here, it means something pretty bad doesn't it.' Now that I think about it Mr.Smith was in surprisingly good heath for his old age. And he did die pretty suddenly. This is all getting pretty strange. Just as I was all in my thoughts I heard a knock at the door. "Hold on!" I yelled. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" But as I was getting closer to the door the knocking kept getting faster. I opened the door and it was just my friend Anna. She is slightly shorter than me and has long brown wavy hair. She loves Supernatural just as much as I do. She also likes Doctor Who. I like is as well but she has a bigger love for it than I do. "What do you want Anna? I'm not having the best day right now." I said. " Well I'm going to make it better!" Anna yelled. " How are you going to do that?" "Well what if I said that I got us tickets to go to a panel with J2 and Misha?" "WHAT REALLY HOW I THOUGHT IT WAS SOLD OUT?!?!" I yelled. If anyone was walking down the street they definitely heard me. "Well I found out that my uncle got the job of preparing the room for the panel, and he got some tickets for us." 'Well this is going to be interesting.' I thought.

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