Enemy to lover - Katie McCabe

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(In this story Kim Little is injured so she isn't in it)
You and Kate didn't get along very well. Ever since you joined arsenal 5 years ago, you never got along with Katie. Every time you guys did 5v5 at training. She would always tackle you.
You guys we're currently playing 5v5 in training. Beth, Leah, Jen and Manuela on your team, while on Katie's team was Vivienne, Lia, Kaylan, Jordan and obviously Katie.

I was currently running up the training pitch with the ball making my way towards the goal. I looked around to see if any of my teammates were there to help. But I couldn't see anyone, so I took the chance to score. But, when I kicked the ball I felt a foot on my ankle taking me down instantly.

I was laying in the ground. Screaming in pain. I couldn't focus on anything except for my ankle. It was throbbing in pain. I knew that this was serious.
"OMG Y/N!!! Are you okay?" I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and saw Beth and Leah looking down at me with worry in their face.
" My ankle. It hurts" I said on the verge of tears.
". Why would you do that huh? I know you guys don't like each other, but, that was a really bitchy move Katie" Leah said while getting in Katie's face.
" She's fine. Why are you guys so dramatic for. I barely even touched her ankle " Katie said while rolling her eyes.
I closed my eyes because everything was beginning to get blurry.

After about another 2 minutes on the floor in pain. The medics came out and checked my ankle. After they checked my ankle, they said that I need to get an x-ray on it.
" We need to take you to the x-ray room" (pretend there's an x-ray room at the club) said one of the medics. I just nodded my head, couldn't find the words to reply.

(skip a few hours)

The training had just finished since Leah and Beth came and see me.
" Did they find anything in the x-ray?" Beth asked
" They said I broke the Fibula bone in my ankle and that I can't play for a few months." I replied back sadly. They both gave me a sorrow look.
" I can't believe that Katie did that. You're one of the best players we have and now you can't play for a few months!!" Leah said angrily.
" Hey, Leah. It's ok. I'm fine. I'll be back soon. Don't worry" I said to her while giving her a small smile while she returned it.

There was a knock at the door. Me, Beth and Leah looked confused at each other because we didn't expect anyone else to come and see me.
" Come in" I said to the person outside the door.
There she was. The person that broke my ankle. Leah and Beth looked at Katie angrily.
" What do you want Katie" Beth said annoyingly.
" I'm here to say sorry for tackling y/n so hard. And I didn't expect it to be serious. And also for calling you guys dramatic" she genuinely looked sorry. Her eyes had a sorrow look in them. She gave me a small smile.
"It's okay Katie. I'm sure you didn't try to" I said while returning the smile.

( skip a few months)

Ever since the accident that happened on the training pitch a few months ago. Me and Katie had become best friends. She would always come over to my house to watch films while eating popcorn. We would sometimes go out for food together to a fancy restaurant.

I'm not gonna lie. I have started to catch feelings for Katie a few months ago, but, it increasing every single day. I'm to scared to say anything because I'm not sure if she likes me the same way.

"Y/NNNNNN!!!!" I heard from my bedroom.
" YES KATIEEEEE" I replied not sure on what she wanted.
" I DON'T KNOW! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW YOU BROUGHT IT TO MY HOUSE!!" I replied really confused.

After about 10 minutes of Katie looking for her training t-shirt. She finally found it in her bag. She said she had looked there 100 times and that it wasn't there.
We arrived at training. This was the first training back since my accident. I was so excited.

(few hours later)

Training had just finished. I had just came out from the shower with a towel around my body and on my hair. I walked out to the changing area and got my freshly clothes that was laying on the bench and took it back to the shower room to change to them. After I came back out. I saw that it was only me and Katie left. We made eye contact while I walked out. We both couldn't look away.

She got up from the bench and stood face to face with me. She looked down to my lips then back to my eyes.
" Can I kiss you" She asked. When she said that I had major butterflies in my stomach.
I didn't give her an answer I just pulled her in by the waste and kissed her. The kiss was long and passionate.
" I've been waiting to do that for so long" she said. I gave her a huge grin. I kissed her again.
This one was a small but loving kiss.

A/N- hey guys I'm so so sorry for the long wait. I hope this was a good imagine. Give me some comments to see if there stuff that I can improve!!!
Anyway. Who would you guys like me to write next and about what?.

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