Sleep-Gas Giant

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The changing rooms. Izuku never liked school changing-rooms. Sweaty heat chambers full of hormonal teenage boys. Bunch of weirdos the lot of them. These ones were no different.

"So Midnight as our teacher, huh?" Ah, the first one rears it's ugly, ball covered head. "We're so lucky."

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about her that way, Grape." Izuku had enough. The Warhammer Titan was very protective of his friends and family. Especially when it came to perverts.

"What, you got your eye on her or something?"

"No. But, she is a family friend. Her pride will not be ruined by the likes of you." He stalks closer to the purple boy, towering above him.

"U-uh shouldn't we be getting changed?" A red haired boy attempted to diffuse the scene, before the grape became past tense.

"Hmph." Was all Izuku said, as he finished putting his P.E. uniform on. He swiftly left the area, heading to where Nemuri was waiting.

"Hey, Izuku. First one here?"

"Yeah, the rest are still changing."

"You seem annoyed. Is everything alright?"

"It turns out that this class contains one of the creepiest perverts I've ever had the displeasure of encountering."

Nemuri's mood drops immediately. There is a side to her that few have ever seen. You see, she actually gets very affected by the degenerates. She never shows it publically, got to keep up appearances and all that. Only Yu and Izuku have ever seen her in her more vulnerable state, as Nemuri Kayama rather than Midnight. The combination of both this and the similar situation with Yu has made Izuku very protective. As it turns out, having a 15 metre class, muscular, humanoid Titan glare at you has quite the effect.

"It's OK, Nem. He won't get far past the first few words whilst I'm here. You know this. Besides, I'm sure not everyone is like him. I know for sure that Bakugo would gladly provide some extra firepower. I'll have your back for as long as you need, trust me."

"Yeah. Thanks, Izuku."

Soon enough, the rest of the class arrived. The Grape appeared to have not learned his lesson, and was.....Drooling? Discusting.

"Now that all of you are here, I'll have you do some exercises to gauge your current level. We do things differently here at UA. You'll need to adapt quickly. Takeyama, you scored highest in the practical exam. Stand in that circle, and throw this ball as far as possible."

She throws a ball to Izuku, who caught it before placing it down just inside of the zone.

"Anything goes, just stay in the circle."

Izuku nodded. He raised his hand to his mouth, biting down on it. Yellow lightning crackled around his body, and a bolt crashed down onto him. The steam slowly cleared, revealing the towering form of the Warhammer Titan. He knelt down, picking the ball up between his finger and thumb. Dropping it into his left palm, he coated it in multiple layers of crystal until it looked like a regular baseball to him. An object that looked like a baseball bat made of titan crystal erupted from his right hand. He took a stance, threw the ball into the air, and struck it.

"1341.12 Metres. Well done, Takeyama."

The Warhammer Titan walked back to stand next to the rest of the group. He didn't bother leaving his Titan's body, there was no point. There were multiple tests still to do, and it took more stamina transforming again than just staying in the nape.

"Wow! This will be fun."

"Fun, huh. I'm going to take a leaf out of the book of a friend of mine. Last place gets expelled. Whilst enjoying yourself is important, saving lives is more important. You have three years here at UA to become the best heroes you can be. Don't waste it."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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