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Kara's POV
Me and dad explained everything and everyone is caught up on our story
Except they never understood why dad never told anyone about me

Dad: I didnt wanna bring her up cuz if i did I would cry
Me: i missed you
Everyone: awwwwww
Judith's thoughts: parenthood goals>I think I'm funny

The boy I mentioned ....Carl , he's cute but I think since Daryls daughter he won't speak to me. Well I THOUGHT that when everyone was sleep and I was on my way he woke me up

Carl : do you wanna go outside so we can talk
Me: about what
Carl: I really wanna get to know you
Me: of course

We sat by a tree that had 2 names on never was finished but had blood splatted on the tree
Dan+Annab-(no blood emoji close enough

Carl POV
I like her she holds a very good conversation
She's smart and dare i add HOT
I don't wanna say that about Daryl's daughter but dannng
We talked for 2 hours but my dad came out and told us to go to bed when we walked inside I had gathered the guts to tell her
Me: hey Kara
Me: I uh kinda maybe sorta like you
Kara: really??
Me: uhh if you don't like me back that's OK I mean
Kara: I do
*Kara nods*

Rick: there's nowhere for you you to lay Carl.... Uh Kara do you mind if he sleeps with you
Rick: don't do anything else but sleep we don't need another Judith running around

*we are blushing hardcore*

Kara POV

We lay back to back but Carl turns to where he's spooning me and wraps his hand around my waist and kisses my cheek
Carl:we only just met so let's give it a month or 5 to get to know each other more before we start dating mom always says "taking it slow easy peasy thats as far as you know--shawn mendes thoee--
Me: perfect

Daryl : (yelling) wtf is Carl doing in the bed with my daughter !!!!?!????!!

Me and carl wake up
Both: oh floodtruckle

Daryl Dixons daughterWhere stories live. Discover now