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Listen to imagination by SHAWN mendes


Fast forward 8 monts
Carl's POV

So me and Kara had a falling out I was gonna get bit but I told her to stay back so she wouldnt get hurt but she didnt listen and killed it anyways and almost died but I yelled and cursed her out and we haven't talked in 2months but she looks and glances at me ....not a flirty I'm gonna make out with you glance ...... The I'm gonna slit your throat and hang you in a tree by your underwear glance I'm so STUPID I had someone to love finally and I screwed it up ever since mom died I didn't have a reason to care about anything but Judith but Kara she's beautiful and want to make her mine
We may not live long but I wanna live this short lifetime with her and I'd die if any thing gets in my way
I need to tell her how sorry I am UGH IM SUCH AN IDIOTIC RETARDED NIMRODN


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