chapter 39

34 1 9


Wake up



"How is he?" I hear a faint voice in the background say, it sounded so distant and yet so clear, I could hear her voice, laced with worry.

"He's stable still. Nothing changed" I felt a warmth of a hand in my own, his voice standing out like a sore thumb, his voice was so beautiful, it was deep and slow, but I could still hear the pain, the evident sound of sleeplessness through his voice. He needs to rest.

"Go home Harry, get some rest" that's what I was saying thank you, girl, in the distance, why did her voice sound so familiar? "You've been here for months" what does she mean by that?? Where the hell am I?

"He will get through this Harry, and so will you"


Louis gasped sitting up, instantly he was surrounded by nurses asking him questions he couldn't answer, he just didn't understand what was going on as they readjusted some cables, and moved things around, everything was just so blurry.

"Your alright Louis just breathe for us" Louis looked around and caught the eye of the nurse talking to him but he still had one thing on his mind "Where's harry?" The nurses all stopped and moved aside, in the bed opposite him sat harry. One of the nurses was trying to get harry to calm down as he tried to get out of bed.

"Baby" was all that came out of Louis's mouth, Harry's eyes instantly shifted to Louis's figure who was sitting up in the bed "daddy" Louis could cry. No words were spoken as the nurses helped harry carry a drip along with him to Louis. Louis watched over harry as his arm surrounded his ribs as limped to him.

He stood awkwardly by Louis's bedside before louis pulled him into his arms, the nurses cringed for both their full bodies but they could tell the two needed this. Louis lay back as harry curled up in louis arms gripping the uncomfortable hospital gown he was wearing "T-tammy" harry choked out "N-Noah" Louis shushes harry as calmly as he could stroking Harry's now clean curls kissing his forehead "we're gonna get them back baby, I promise, everything going to be okay"

Harry frowned "what do you mean?" Louis stilled, did they not tell harry he thought. "Baby, they took them, said we weren't looking after them and it was unhygienic" Harry shook his head "b-b-but we- we didn't mean for this to happen. I'm so so so sorry daddy this is all my fault, I should have paid more attention to them I was just so stupid" Louis shushed harry "shhh no baby boy no you did so well, you looked after them better than anyone in there life has. This is not your fault my angel"

Harry didn't have a reply he just cried in Louis's arms before a nurse came over to explain to Louis what happened. "Louis your blood pressure is way too high, you are worryingly underweight so we have a drip we did some tests and I'm not sure if you are aware of this but..." Louis heartbeat picked up and quickly cover Harry's ears harry squirmed in louis arms but then the nurse finished her sentence harry got his ears free "...after our test result we found out that you have been raped" harry stilled his movements.

"D-daddy?" Harry says looking at him, Louis looked at harry who had tears bubbling in his eyes "Hey hey no waterworks baby boy, I'm fine yeah? See I'm fine daddy's here shhh" Louis says cupping Harry's cheek before hugging him close "so you are aware?" Louis could only hold back a scoff, of course he fucking knew, Alister wanted him to remember every second of it "yes" was all Louis said as he tried to confront harry

"Is harry okay?" Louis asks and the nurse sigh "we have officially diagnosed him with PTSD and an eating disorder. His ribs were broken and then fixed into the wrong position so we had to break them again and put them in the right place. His leg has been put in a moon boot as it's broken, we're gonna put it in a cast tomorrow. And the scars on his back which we assume were from scraping it off wood or some kind of whipping had got infected so we're treating them"

Louis was only now noticing Harry's appearance his body was taped up around his ribs his foot was in fact in a moon boot, but he had a patch over his eye again. The nurse noticed Louis staring at harry's eyepatch "we looked over his eyesocket and it seemed damaged from the way he must have taken it out, we have repaired it so we won't feel any more discomfort with it"

Louis had nothing else to say, he didn't want to hear anymore he just wanted to do the day. He wanted to go back to yesterday morning and start again. He wanted to go back to the boat ride and cuddle with his babies while they were supposed to be amazing and a free future awaited them.

But nothing ever goes as planned, not for Louis anyways


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